Bolsonaro makes an irregular donation of R $ 10,000 for the electoral campaign of his son Carlos | Elections 2020


President Jair Bolsonaro made an irregular donation of R $ 10,000 through a cash deposit for the campaign of his son, Councilor Carlos Bolsonaro (Republicans-RJ). A resolution of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) determines that donations greater than R $ 1,064.10 can only be made by electronic bank transfer or crossed and nominal check.

Information about Bolsonaro’s donation was reported in reports by the newspapers “O Globo” and “Folha de S.Paulo”, based on data provided by the TSE.

On Twitter, Carlos wrote that the money was returned and then donated again, this time within the rule.

“The donation of more than R $ 1,064.10 is only accepted by bank transfer. The appeal, of legal origin, was later returned and retransmitted according to the norm,” said the councilor.

The TSE resolution that addresses this issue is 23,607, issued last year. The text brings together laws and provisions that establish rules for elections.

The report of the newspaper “O Globo” identified 432 candidates who received cash donations above what has been allowed so far in this electoral campaign.

Among the candidates for councilors and mayors, these donations total R $ 2.1 million. According to the survey, of the applications with irregular donations, 71 are candidates for mayors.

The parties with the highest number of candidates in this situation are MDB (51), PP (45), PSD (39) and PSDB (32).
