Or President Jair Bolsonaro (sem party) used the social networks in this fifth-feira (23) to rule on different prices than two fuels collected from the refineries and not the final price to the consumer. O Chefe do Executiva, I bet that sai gasoline gives refinery at R $ 0.91 and diesel, at R $ 1.45.
“Preço dos combustíveis, hoje, nas refinarias:
– Gasoline: R $ 0.91
– Diesel: …. R $ 1.45
ICMS + CIDE PIS / PASEP Cofins transport profit two postos lucro das distribuidoras. ”, Escreveu.
Pandemic and remains of price no DF
The value of gasoline is not available since March, leaving prices at which consumers have not found any pumps. According to the Sindicato do Comércio Varejista de Combustíveis e de Lubrificantes do Distrito Federal (Sindicombustíveis-DF), not only is gasoline due to, mainly, the low consumption of população due to the pandemic of coronavírus and the increase in two stocks worldwide. . The average price of a liter of gasoline in Brasília on March 1 was R $ 4.55. Browse, it is possible to find postos marketing or fuel at R $ 3.29.