Bolsonaro cancels ‘live election’ after using Alvorada in 7 days to ask 59 candidates for votes | Elections 2020


President Jair Bolsonaro reported on Friday (13), through a social network, that he canceled the “live election” scheduled for the beginning of the night in which he would again use the premises of the official residence of the Palácio da Alvorada to in order to request votes for the candidates in the municipal elections next Sunday (15).

“Today there will be no ‘electoral’ alive. The legislation is not clear about its implementation as of that date. Good evening everyone, ”the president wrote.

In the final stretch of the electoral campaign, Bolsonaro used Alvorada in seven days – of the four in a row – to ask for votes from 59 candidates for mayor, councilor and senator whom he supports.

The use of the public building for electoral purposes is questioned by the Electoral Court, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). Last Wednesday (11) and this Friday, the Rede Sustentabilidade party filed actions or steps in these instances against the use of Alvorada for electoral propaganda.

Last Wednesday (11), the deputy electoral attorney general, Renato Brill, referred to the regional electoral prosecutors in nine states (Amazonas, Ceará, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Roraima, São Paulo and Sergipe) a representation of the PT that points to the irregular electoral propaganda of Bolsonaro.

As it is a municipal election, Brill filed the representation within the scope of the Attorney General’s Office, considering that any irregularity should be considered by the local electoral judges, if the regional prosecutors understand that, in fact, the case should be investigated .

“The Regional Electoral Prosecutors must send the documentation to the Electoral Prosecutors who act before the municipalities of the candidates involved (…) for the measures they consider appropriate, highlighting, from the outset, that the definitive deadline for the eventual presentation of judicial measures related to spotty advertising is the election date, November 15, “Brill wrote.

From October 29 until this Thursday (12), Bolsonaro made live broadcasts of Alvorada, through social networks. Some candidates supported by the president personally attended the palace to participate in the “lives.”

During the broadcasts, which lasted between 45 minutes and an hour and a half, Bolsonaro displayed advertising posters of the candidates for the chamber and asked for votes for each of them.

In the seven days that Alvorada used for this purpose, the president recommended voting for 13 candidates for mayor, 45 for councilor and one for Senate – Mato Grosso will be the only state to have elections for senator, in order to fill the vacancy left by Selma Arruda, whose mandate was revoked.

The president called the broadcasts his “election free time.”

“I can’t do the campaign they deserve. The campaign is to walk, make caravans, participate in debates, meetings. And we are here in that environment. It’s my home here, right? I use this house as if it were mine, okay? So, here I work, receive people, I make my ‘life’. I have all the freedom here as you do at home to do this type of work here, “said the president during the broadcast on Thursday (12).

The live broadcasts used the structure of the official residence: they were carried out from inside the Palácio da Alvorada library and had the presence of government advisers. Bolsonaro appeared alongside candidates, ministers and government advisers.

“He has already been prosecuted by deputies and parties, so I don’t have my free electoral calendar. Guys, send Lula to campaign for his candidates, send Doria. Everyone is hiding now, don’t show their faces. I’d like to do it.” campaign for thousands of people, but I can’t afford it, I’m asking [voto] for some, ”Bolsonaro said on Thursday (12).

Ministers, deputies and officials

Ministers, parliamentarians and federal government officials also participated in the broadcasts in which Bolsonaro asked for votes for allies.

The president of the Brazilian Agency for International Tourism Promotion (Embratur), Gilson Machado, was in at least two broadcasts and asked for votes from the candidates from Pernambuco, his homeland.

Ministers Tereza Cristina (Agriculture) and Damares Alves (Women, Family and Human Rights); the Secretary of Fisheries, Jorge Seif Júnior; the presidential advisers Felipe Martins, Tércio Arnaud, Mateus Matos Diniz; and Major Mauro César Barbosa Cid, assistant to the president, also attended the Alvorada library during the broadcasts.

The deputies Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP), Hélio Lopes (PSL-RJ) and Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), former leader of the government in the Chamber of Deputies, also participated in the live appearances and asked for votes for supporters.

Blog do Camatotti reported on Tuesday (11) that the Rede Sustentabilidade party presented judicial measures in the Electoral Justice, STF and TCU against the use by Bolsonaro of the Palácio da Alvorada.

The actions will be referred to the regional electoral courts (TRE) of the states where there were candidates cited by Bolsonaro, according to the party.

In the STF, a collective court order asked the president to refrain from using public spaces for electoral campaigns, including the Palácio da Alvorada.

According to the blog, the president intensified the virtual campaign within Alvorada after polls indicated a weak performance of his candidates in capitals and large cities.

“You have to elect these councilors here. Otherwise, it will be terrible for me. Not electing a mayor is normal because the bar is heavy, we have no way of helping them, ”Bolsonaro declared during a ceremony on Tuesday (10) at the Planalto Palace.

The TCU, the Network requested an investigation into the misuse of public spaces in broadcasts with electoral bias. Representation was also sent to the electoral attorney general and the attorney general of the Republic Augusto Aras, based on the same arguments.

In the 2014 presidential contest, PT Dilma Rousseff used Alvorada to give interviews, hold meetings and record for the re-election campaign.

As Alvorada is the official residence of the presidents, the TSE considered the use of the space for these purposes legal.

But there is no definition on the use of the Palácio da Alvorada as a kind of electronic platform. A TSE minister heard by Blog do Camarotti said he had doubts on the matter. But he stressed that the Electoral Justice cannot act without being provoked.

VIDEOS: Gerson Camarotti’s comments
