Body of a Missing Priest Found Charred in Manhumirim, MG | Valleys of Minas Gerais


According to the Military Police, Adriano da Silva Barros would have gone to visit his mother, who is ill, in Martins Soares (MG), and would return to Simonésia (MG), where he is a vicar, to celebrate a mass in the parish.

The religious was seen for the last time leaving his sister in Reduto (MG), around 1:00 p.m. She was the last person to have contact with him.

At dawn on Wednesday (14), the police were called by a neighbor from Córrego Pirapetinga, in Manhumirim, when they realized that there was a fire on their land and, when they arrived to put it out, they found the charred body.

At the scene, forensics discovered that there were wounds on the priest’s body, probably caused by knives. The Civil Police suspect that he was the victim of robbery, since the vehicle in which he was found was seen in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The responsibility of the crime is still being investigated by the police. Two suspects, who were seen by witnesses near the place where the body was found, were detained by the Military Police. There is no confirmation yet that they participated in the crime.

The vehicle used by the priest has not yet been located. The Federal Highway Police reported that he was seen passing through Teresópolis (RJ), around 5 in the morning.

The priest Simonésia disappears during the trip and is wanted by the Catholic community and his family

The priest Simonésia disappears during the trip and is wanted by the Catholic community and his family

Father Júlio César, who is also a parish priest in Simonésia, released a video to find Adriano, who was missing.

According to him, the religious had no problems with anyone and was a friend of all. “He is a young priest, 36 years old, dynamic, a friend of the people. A priest who has good reflection, good communication, ”he said.

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