The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies has a meeting scheduled for the morning of Tuesday (27) to decide whether to send the case of Mrs. Flordelis (PSD-RJ) to the Ethics Council. The process may lead to the termination of your term.
The parliamentarian is accused of being the mastermind of the murder of her own husband, Pastor Anderson do Carmo, shot to death in June 2019. She denies the charges.
Because she has parliamentary immunity, she remains free, but since September 8, she has been monitored by an electronic anklet.
The Board of Directors is made up of the Mayor, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), and six other members, as well as four alternates.
The meeting is called for 10 in the morning at the official residence of the president in Brasilia.
The deputies will analyze and vote the opinion of the Chamber researcher, Paulo Bengtson (PTB-PA), who recommended that the process be referred to the collegiate body.
Chamber of Deputies recommends continuing investigation against Flordelis
In his report, Bengtson stated that the facts described in the representation rendered before the Chamber by Deputy Léo Motta (PSL-MG), in August, and in the police investigation, “constitute sufficient evidence of irregularities or violations of the rules of decorum and parliamentary ethics “. .
For the opinion to be approved, an absolute majority is not necessary. If, for example, there are five members present, a score of 3 to 2 is sufficient to approve the opinion.
Board members heard by G1 They said the expectation is that approval is unanimous.
Even with the decision to continue the process, the analysis by the Ethics Council will not be immediate. This is because the referee has been unemployed since March due to the new coronavirus pandemic.
Its operation depends on the approval by the main plenary session of the Chamber of a draft resolution. However, so far there is no definition for this vote.
The impasse has nothing to do with the Ethics Council. The point is that the draft resolution that was passed also frees the work of other commissions, such as the Constitution and Justice (CCJ).
However, the dispute over the command of the commission and the articulation of some parties so that they do not advance certain issues in the CCJ, such as administrative reform, blocked the vote on the project.
To get around the situation, the president of the Ethics Council, Deputy Juscelino Filho (DEM-MA), has already presented another draft resolution that deals only with the authorization for remote operation of the collegiate. Your vote, however, still depends on an agreement between the party leaders.