Black hole research pays this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics – science


Research on Dungeon and secrets of Milky Way yielded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 for researchers Roger penrose, Reinhard genzel me Andrea Ghez. Penrose will receive half the award for “discovering the formation of a black hole in a solid forecast of Theory of general relativity”. Genzel and Andrea will receive the other half for “discovering a supermassive object at the center of our galaxy.” The Secretary General of the Royal Academy of Sciences gives Sweden, Göran Hansson, stated that this year’s award is “about the deepest secrets of the Universe”.

All three were chosen, according to Nobel Committee, for his discoveries about one of the most exotic phenomena in the Universe, the black hole. “Roger Penrose showed that the general theory of relativity leads to the formation of black holes. Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez discovered that an invisible and extremely heavy object governs the orbits of the stars in the center of our galaxy. A supermassive black hole is the only currently known explanation, ”says the committee.

Penrose is a professor in Oxford University, Not United Kingdom. Genzel is a researcher in Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, in Germany, e Andrea is a researcher in University of California, in The AngelsU.S United States.

Penrose used ingenious mathematical methods to show that Black holes are a direct consequence of the general theory of relativity. of Albert Einstein. “Einstein himself did not believe that in fact there were black holes, these super heavy monsters capable of capturing anything in the vicinity. Nothing escapes, not even light,” the committee wrote.

In January 1965, ten years after Einstein’s death, Penrose demonstrated how black holes can form and described them in detail. In the center, black holes hide a peculiarity: there all the laws of nature cease to be valid. According to the Nobel Committee, the article he wrote describing black holes to date is considered the most important contribution to the General Theory of Relativity since Einstein.

Reinhard genzel me Andrea Ghez Leading groups of astronomers who, since the early 1990s, have focused on studying a region in the center of our galaxy called Sagittarius A. The orbits of the brightest stars near the center of the Milky Way have been mapped with great precision. And the measurements of the two groups are identical: they both found an invisible, extremely heavy object that sucks the stars into a vortex, causing them to assume ever greater speeds.

Using the largest telescopes in the world, Genzel me Ghez developed methods of seeing through gigantic clouds of interstellar gas and dust into the center of the Milky Way. Increasingly expanding the limits of technology, they refined techniques to compensate for distortions caused by the Earth’s asmosphere, developing unique instruments for long-term research. The pioneering work provided the most compelling evidence that there is a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

“The findings of this year’s awardees are revolutionary in the study of compact and supermassive objects,” he explained. David havilanddo Nobel Committee for Physics. “But these exotic objects still have many open questions that still require further investigation. Not only about their internal structure, but also about how to test the theory of gravity under extreme conditions in the vicinity of a black hole.”

Andrea is the fourth woman in history to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. The pioneer was Marie Curie, in 1903 (which later would also receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, in 1911 – the only woman awarded twice). In 1963, the award went to Maria Goeppert-Mayer. In 2018, Donna strickland. “I take the responsibility of being the fourth woman to receive the Nobel Prize very seriously. I hope to inspire other young women in this field. It is an area that has so many pleasures. And if you are passionate Sciences, there is so much that can be done, ”said Andrea, who made a guest appearance at the press conference to publicize the award.

When asked what black holes are, he admitted: “We don’t know. We don’t know what’s inside black holes, that’s what makes them such exotic objects. They really represent a break in our understanding of the laws of Physical. This is part of what still intrigues us and pushes us to try to understand the physical world ”.

Find out who this year’s winners are

Roger penrose was born in 1931 in Colchester, United Kingdom. She obtained her doctorate in 1957 at the University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. He is a professor at the University of Oxford.

Reinhard genzel was born in 1952 in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany. She obtained her doctorate in 1978 in Bonn University, Germany. He is director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, in Garching, Germany, and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, UNITED STATES.

Andrea Ghez was born in 1965 in the city of New York, UNITED STATES. She got her Ph.D. In 1992 in California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, in the USA. She is a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA.

Find out who were awarded in previous years

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019: James Peebles, from Canada and naturalized American, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, both from Switzerland

The trio was awarded for their contributions to the understanding of the evolution of the Universe and the place of the Earth in the Cosmos. The American was awarded for the theoretical discoveries of physical cosmology. The Swiss, for their discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar star.

2018 Nobel Prize in Physics: Arthur Ashkin, from the United States, Gérard Mourou, from France, and Donna Strickland, from Canada

The trio was awarded for research in the field of laser technology in cases such as the manipulation of organelles inside a living cell (detail: without damaging it or interfering with its operation) and the use of a super-precise scalpel, capable of performing surgical corrections in a person’s eye.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2017: Rainer Weiss, from Germany and naturalized American, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne, both from the United States

The trio was awarded for their performance at the Laser Interferometry Gravitational Wave Observatory (Ligo), in the United States, which allowed the detection of gravitational waves for the first time in history.

Nobel Laureate in Physics 2016: David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz, from the United Kingdom

The trio was awarded by studies on the so-called “topological phase transitions of matter”, who “opened the door to an unknown world where matter can assume strange states”.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2015: Takaaki Kajita, from Japan, and Arthur McDonald, from Canada

The duo was awarded by discovery of neutrino oscillations – showing that these mysterious particles have mass – contributing to experiments that demonstrate the ability of neutrinos to change identities and change science’s understanding of the innermost gears of matter.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2014: Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, from Japan, and Shuji Nakamura, from the United States

The trio was awarded invention of diodes that emit blue light, which allowed the manufacture of white light LEDs, with high brightness and energy savings.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2013: François Englert, from Belgium, and Peter Higgs, from the United Kingdom

The duo was awarded by theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to understanding the origin of the mass of subatomic particles – the Higgs boson -, a particle whose predicted existence was confirmed in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Nobel Prize in Physics 2012: Serge Haroche, from France, and David J. Wineland, from the United States

The duo was awarded for their revolutionary experimental methods that allow the measurement and manipulation of individual quantum systemswithout destroying the particles.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2011: Saul Perlmutter, Adam Riess and Brian P. Schmidt, from the United States

The trio won the award for studies that found that the expansion rate of the universe accelerates – and does not decrease, as expected. The studies were based on observing the light from supernovae.

2010 Nobel Prize in Physics: Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, from Russia

They won the award for being the first scientists to identify, isolate and characterize the first two-dimensional crystal ever discovered, graphene, composed of a single layer of carbon atoms.

About the Nobel Prize

Each of this year’s award winners, announced October 5-12, will receive a check for SEK 10 million (approximately R $ 6.2 million), an amount that had not been paid for ten years. In 2011, the Nobel Foundation reduced the amount of the premium from SEK 10 million to SEK 8 million. In 2017, the institution increased the amount to nine million. Only this year will it return to the original value.

The Nobel Foundation manages the assets of Alfred Nobel, who left most of his fortune to create the prize with his name in a will made in Paris, you are 1895. Nobel invented dynamite in 1866, creation that made him rich. The Foundation Awards medicine, physical, chemistry, economy, literature me peace.

For the first time since 1944, the December 10 physical awards ceremony was canceled, due to pandemic of COVID-19, and replaced by an online event, in which the winners will receive prizes in their country of residence. A ceremony is still scheduled in Oslo for him Peace Prize, but it is kept to a minimum.

The traditional Nobel Prize banquet, held every year in December in Stockholm, in Sweden, was also canceled. The Nobel banquet was canceled earlier during the two world wars. It also did not happen in 1907, 1924 and 1956.
