Bill Gates says his foundation is totally focused on COVID-19


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If anyone is working to combat the new coronavirus pandemic, it is Bill Gates. The Microsoft co-founder, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has already committed nearly $ 250 million to combat the new coronavirus and promises that the foundation’s operation will be almost entirely geared toward this.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Gates revealed that the organization dramatically changed its operations during the pandemic, but that it will not abandon other very sensitive agendas, such as poverty and education. “[A pandemia] This has the full attention of the foundation. Even our work that has no connection to health, like issues related to higher education and high school, has completely changed, with the creation of online classes, “said Gates.

It is good to remember that Bill Gates is one of the people who has appeared the most in the news when it comes to the new coronavirus. After giving up his duties at Microsoft to dedicate 100% to philanthropy and the foundation alongside his wife, Gates is the target of many conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19, as well as taking a hard line on the subject, after having harshly criticized the President of the United States, Donald Trump. For him, the representative should not have reduced the financial aid that the country provides to the World Health Organization, which represents around 20% of the entity’s budget.

In a statement sent to The Verge staff, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reaffirms its commitment to act against the new coronavirus and that it is working to ensure that other confrontations are not affected in this period, despite confirming that the work will be seen. affected:

“The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all areas of our work and side effects will be felt for years to come. Although we have announced $ 250 million in funds to date and a commitment to leverage our Strategic Investment Fund in relation to the pandemic, we are increasingly focusing on the experience of our team and leveraging our partnerships in the urgent efforts necessary to end this problem. These are unprecedented times, but we believe that all lives have the same value and our commitment Addressing inequalities throughout our work remains more critical than ever. “

Source: The Verge, Financial Times

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