Biel beat Mirella, Jakelyne Oliveira and Lipe Ribeiro and won the litmus test “A Fazenda 2020” (RecordTV) that was played yesterday but was broadcast to the public today. Instead of the traditional three golden eggs, this week’s draw featured just two, which were drawn by Raissa Barbosa and Lucas Maciel. As the two had already participated in the dynamic last week, they had to give the golden egg to other pawns. Lucas Selfie gave it to Mirella, Raissa already gave it to Jake.
Another novelty this week was that the lucky ones had to choose one more pawn to participate in the activity. Jake chose Lipe and the funkeira, named Biel. But this time the chosen ones were not helpers, but rivals in the dispute. Biel was the most skilled and won the race. Consequently, the losers in the dispute are in the position. To choose the fourth and final contestant to go to the booth, Lipe, Jake, and Mirella had to agree on who to shoot and the three chose Raissa.
How was the test
The dynamics demanded balance from the participants. Pedestrians had to carry a container of milk in their helmets, while traveling through a path full of obstacles. Unable to use their hands, the pedestrians had to put the liquid in containers at the end of the circuit. The peon that accumulated the most liquid in the 15 minutes took the lamp.
Lamp power
Tomorrow, in the garden formation, Biel will have to choose what power he will have, if it is the green or red flame, and which pawn will give him the other power. Chosen by fans of the show on TikTok, the power of the red flame this week indicates that it has that power, you must change the fourth level, chosen by the dynamic of “one left”, for any other pawn, except the farmer, Juliano Ceglia . The green flame will reveal itself during the formation of the garden.