Bid with Cássio reinforces danger of frontal crashes in football – 12/22/2020


One of the top growing concerns in soccer, concussion, has taken another casualty in soccer. On the night of Monday (21), during Corinthians’ 2-1 victory over Goiás for the Brazilian Championship, goalkeeper Cássio was strongly hit in the head region with forward Vinícius. The goalkeeper was disoriented and received prompt attention from the medical team present at the match. After a quick evaluation, the player had to leave the Neo Chemical Arena by ambulance and immobilized by a cervical collar. The measure reinforces the need for the entities that command the sport to address the issue with greater relevance.

“Soccer needs to learn from the experience of other sports. In rugby, for example, if a concussion is suspected, the player is removed from the field for an evaluation that lasts 10 minutes. If the athlete shows changes in any of the tests whose The results are compared with the data obtained in the preseason (basic data) will be definitively eliminated from the game. And football teams will need to have these basic data “, evaluates Hermano Pinheiro, an expert and scholar in this area of ​​concussion in sport. .

“The protocol of soccer lags far behind other sports. It does not effectively combat the problem of concussion. Other sports have already presented more committed solutions to the problem,” says Andrei Kampff, journalist, lawyer specializing in Sports Law and author of this Blog . He reinforces that “it is necessary to advance the discussion, and the need for an independent doctor is fundamental in this process.”

In minute 32 of the second half, Cássio tried to cut a cross and took the worst of the play. The goalkeeper collided with force with the emerald striker and fell without moving for a few moments. Despite the shock, the black and white archer was consciously transferred by ambulance to the São Luiz hospital, in the Morumbi neighborhood, where he will undergo examinations and a new evaluation.

Concussion is the loss of consciousness in a short period of time and occurs immediately after a head injury. Recently, several cases of this nature have been witnessed in football and this has been generating great concern in different sectors within the sport.

Due to the risk of repeated micro-injuries causing severe brain damage, several sports have created mandatory concussion protocols to protect the health of the athlete.

On Wednesday of last week, December 16, FIFA and the International Football Association Board (IFAB) made an important decision.

The entities decided to adopt, during a trial period, a measure to try to alleviate the problems caused by blows to the head. According to the guideline that will take effect from 2021, any player suspected of suffering a concussion must leave the field. In order not to be numerically prejudiced, the team may substitute the athlete, regardless of the number of exchanges already made.

According to the entity, the measure seeks to prevent the health of the player, preventing him from returning and suffering more than one concussion in a single game. In addition, it will reduce the pressure on medical staff to perform a quick and often incomplete evaluation.

“Special substitution in cases of suspected concussion is an important step. But that alone is not enough. In both professional Rugby and the NFL there are independent physicians who can request an athlete evaluation. The use of VR In the analysis of suspected cases it should also and actions to ensure the integrity of the athlete are not restricted to the day of the game. In the NFL and NBA, the athlete’s return process also needs the approval of an independent doctor in addition to that provided by the team doctor, that this process should not be based on time, but on clinical and functional criteria ”, adds Hermano.

Currently, FIFA has a protocol that allows evaluating the player for three minutes on the field. After that time, you have to leave the lawn for repair, but without any complex examination to identify the severity of the problem.

Totally different from what happens in rugby. During a match, the athlete who suffers a blow to the head is analyzed by a match doctor, and not by clubs or teams. The judge can use the video system to verify movement and demand that the athlete leave the field if they were actually hit in the head. The tests take place within 10 minutes, only then will the decision be made whether or not you can return to the game.

Confederations and associations interested in adopting the rule must register with IFAB and Fifa. Competition organizers must ensure that official protocols are fully followed and comments are submitted. The first major football league to take an interest was the Premier League.

In recent months, the issue has had a great impact in England after the family of one of the greatest players in the country’s history revealed that Sir Bobby Charlton, 83, suffers from dementia. Before that, the 1966 world champions Nobby Stiles and Jack Charlton also died of dementia.

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