
In an election in which just over half of the Rio de Janeiro electorate effectively chose a candidate for the Rio City Council – abstention was 32.79%, and blank and null votes amounted to 19.23% of those who went to the polls – Eduardo Paes (DEM) and Marcelo Crivella (Republicans) guaranteed the two vacancies in the second round, which will take place on the 29th. Until then, the former occupant of the position and the current one will have the mission not to only to seduce those who preferred the defeated competitors this Sunday (15), but they will also have to convince those who have not left home to attend in two weeks and choose a side.
Paes obtained 37.01% of the valid votes (974,804 votes), confirming the leadership that had already been pointed out since the first elections. Crivella reached 21.90% (576,825) and surpassed the two candidates who spent the campaign on their heels, threatening to remove him from the race in the first round, which would be unprecedented for a Rio mayor seeking re-election. Martha Rocha (PDT) and Benedita da Silva (PT) finished almost tied, with a very small advantage for the pediatrician: 11.30% (297,751) to 11.27% (296,847).
Of the 4,851,887 voters with the right to vote in the city of Rio, according to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), 1,590,876 did not go to the polls. Among those who attended a polling station, 413,962 chose to cancel and 213,138 pressed the blank vote button.
The new coronavirus pandemic helps explain some of the high abstention, but it is not the only reason. Now, Eduardo Paes and Marcelo Crivella will have two weeks to understand what led 2,217,976 Rio de Janeiro voters to choose either side, between abstentions and white and null votes, and to convince a large part of this group to place their trust in one or the other .
Judging by the statements made this Sunday, the next two weeks of the campaign will be “fire in the playground.” Even before the recount confirmed who would be in the second round, the DEM and the Republican candidates were already exchanging criticism. “The president lives in Brasilia and came to Rio to vote for Crivella. I am very confident in my work and in my fight. It was not ideal because I took office with many debts, ”said Crivella after voting at 8:50 am in Barra da Tijuca, without losing the opportunity to present himself as the chosen one of Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) and put it on Paes’s account. who preceded him in office, the difficulties faced in his management.
Paes, who was mayor of Rio for two consecutive terms (from 2009 to 2016), arrived at 10:30 am to vote, in Gávea, and also took the opportunity to immobilize his successor by speaking to the press: “Rio can no longer risk, you can not make more mistakes. Unfortunately, the city has elected a mayor in recent years who destroyed our city. I ask that the population not take more risks, that we do not allow unsuspecting people or scammers to rule our city ”.