Belo Horizonte has the hottest day in history this Wednesday – General


South england
This Wednesday morning, BH broke the record for the highest minimum temperature of the year, 23.9C (photo: Gladyston Rodrigues / EM / DA PRESS)

Temperatures reached 38.4 ° in Belo Horizontand Wednesday afternoon (7). According to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) this is the hottest day in the history of Belo Horizonte.

Before today, the hottest day in Belo Horizonte was the last Saturday (3). the thermometers reached 37.8 °. Previously, this record had only been set in October 2015, when the thermometers reached 37.4 ° C. S

The trend is for temperatures to continue to rise in the coming days. This Thursday (8), the thermometers should be between 24 ° C and 37 ° C and, on Friday, between 25 ° C and 39 ° C.

The relay should only arrive on the weekend, when there is a forecast of great cloudiness and isolated showers between Saturday (10) and Sunday (11).

Thermometers also exploded in Minas. The city where the highest temperature was recorded in the state was Ituiutaba, in the Mineiro Triangle, with 41.7 °.

* Internship under the supervision of the publisher Liliane Corra
