WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump again falsely claimed Saturday morning that there was fraud in the electoral systems of Pennsylvania and other states where he is voting for votes with Joe Biden. Trump’s tweets, all flagged for containing misleading information, coincide with the great possibility that the Democrat will be confirmed as the next president of the United States in the next few hours.
There is no evidence of significant wrongdoing anywhere in the country, but the Republican campaign has launched a judicial crusade, so far largely unsuccessful, to try to limit the counting of votes where the Democratic lead is small. Even within the Republican Party, allegations of fraud provoke disagreements.
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“Tens of thousands of votes were illegally received after 8 pm on Tuesday, the date of the election, completely and easily changing the result in Pennsylvania and other states where the dispute is fierce,” said the president, without presenting any evidence.
Under state law, mail-in ballots sent before the deadline could be received for three days after the election, between Wednesday and Friday. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, a record 65 million Americans opted for the modality. The deadline for their delivery was extended precisely to avoid delays in the postal service that prevent the control of legal votes due to postal delays.
Biden edged out Trump in Pennsylvania on Friday and the trend is for his margin to continue to grow. According to the US press, a democratic victory in the state is likely to be projected soon, when its advantage exceeds 35,000 votes, corresponding to the percentage subject to recount.
At the moment, the difference between the candidates is nearly 29,000, with nearly 100,000 votes pending verification. These ballots are mostly Democratic strongholds and votes-by-mail, which also favor the former vice president.
Read More: The disinformation campaign about the American elections is underway and it comes from inside the White House.
Without foundation
Trump also made unsubstantiated allegations about the transparency of the process, claiming that Republican observers were unable to follow the scan. A Pennsylvania court order ruled that party members could be present at the lawsuit and, according to the court, the order is being followed.
“Hundreds of thousands of votes, illegally, could not be observed. This would also change the outcome of elections in many states, including Pennsylvania, where everyone thought we would have an easy victory on election night, only to see our great advantage disappear. . Without anyone being able to see what was happening for long periods of time, “said the president.
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According to Pennsylvania officials, votes in this category are in the thousands, not tens of thousands, and are unlikely to make any difference to the bottom line. In an interview with CNN, the president of the Federal Elections Commission, Ellen Weintraub, said, as did the OAS and several independent organizations.
“Bad things happened in those moments when transparency was not allowed legally, cruelly and maliciously. The tractors blocked the doors and the windows were covered with cardboard so that the observers could not see the counting rooms. Bad things happened inside. Big changes happened, “he falsely claimed.
Republicans are divided
The reason why Trump started counting ahead is also obvious and expected. Postal votes, whose membership is massive among Democrats, take longer to count than in-person votes, with higher Republican turnout. Soon, the first partials showed the president deceptively in front, in a “red mirage.”
The Republican campaign has filed lawsuits to suspend the count in Michigan, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania, as well as a recount in Wisconsin, but two of its requests have already been rejected by the court. In the evening, another lawsuit was added, in Philadelphia, also defeated.
The biggest victory to date came from Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who determined that Pennsylvania votes received after November 3 are counted separately. According to CNN, this should not be decisive in the result. The action is mostly symbolic, since the state has already counted these votes separately and did not add them to the partials disclosed.
The president’s unsubstantiated claims divide his supporters, but some of the most influential Republicans back his behavior.