BBB21 Discord Game: The brothers point out who they would like to block life and who they are at the house likes hunters | BBB House


Another lively start to the week on BBB21 with Game of discord. This Monday 03/29, the brothers will have to signal to their fellow prisoners. One plate should be given to those that the brother or sister wants to block life and the other plate to those who are hunting like home.

Tiago Leifert explains the rules of dynamics and begins with the walled ones.

  • Juliette
    Wants to block: Sarah
    Who’s hunting like: Gilberto

Like and Blocked Hunt: Juliette gives Gilberto and Sarah posters at the Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Juliette gives Gilberto and Sarah posters at the Discord Game

  • Rodolffo
    Wants to block: Gilberto
    Who’s hunting like: Camilla de Lucas

Hunting Like and Blocked: Rodolffo signals Camilla and Gilberto in the Game of Discord

Hunting Like and Blocked: Rodolffo signals Camilla and Gilberto in the Game of Discord

  • Sarah
    Wants to block: Rodolffo
    Who’s hunting like: Juliette

Like and Blocked Hunt: Sarah signals Juliette and Rodolffo in Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Sarah signals Juliette and Rodolffo in the Game of Discord

  • Arthur
    Wants to block: Juliette
    Who’s hunting like: Pocah

Like and Blocked Hunt: Arthur signals Pocah and Juliette in Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Arthur signals Pocah and Juliette in the Game of Discord

  • Fiuk
    Wants to block: Juliette
    Who’s hunting like: Juliette

Like and Blocked Hunt: Fiuk signals Juliette in the Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Fiuk signals Juliette in the Discord Game

  • Pocah
    Wants to block: Rodolffo
    Who’s hunting like: Juliette

Like and Blocked Hunt: Pocah signals Juliette and Rodolffo in the Game of Discord

Like and Blocked Hunt: Pocah signals Juliette and Rodolffo in the Game of Discord

  • Tube Viih
    Wants to block: Sarah
    Who’s hunting like: Gilberto

Hunt Like and Blocked: Viih Tube presents plaques to Gilberto and Sarah at Game of Discord

Hunt Like and Blocked: Viih Tube presents plaques to Gilberto and Sarah at Game of Discord

  • Thais
    Wants to block: Sarah
    Who’s hunting like: Arthur

Hunting Like and Blocked: Thaís gives signals to Arthur and Sarah in the Game of Discord

Hunting Like and Blocked: Thaís gives signals to Arthur and Sarah in the Game of Discord

  • Joao Luiz
    Wants to block: Rodolffo
    Who’s hunting like: Caio

Hunting Like and Blocked: João Luiz signals Caio and Rodolffo in the Game of Discord

Hunting Like and Blocked: João Luiz signals Caio and Rodolffo in the Game of Discord

  • Lucas stretcher
    Wants to block: Rodolffo
    Who’s hunting like: Arthur

Like and Blocked Hunt: Camilla gives Arthur and Rodolffo posters at the Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Camilla gives Arthur and Rodolffo posters at the Discord Game

  • Caio
    Wants to block: Juliette
    Who’s hunting like: Camilla de Lucas

Like and Blocked Hunt: Caio gives Camilla and Juliette signs at the Discord Game

Like and Blocked Hunt: Caio gives Camilla and Juliette signs at the Discord Game

  • Gilberto
    Wants to block: Rodolffo
    Who’s hunting like: Juliette

Hunting Like and Blocked: Gilberto signals Juliette and Rodolfffo

Hunting Like and Blocked: Gilberto signals Juliette and Rodolfffo

Sarah discusses with Rodolffo on BBB21: ‘I fought with Gil to defend you and I am bitterly sorry’

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Wall BBB21: Vote to remove. Juliette, Rodolffo or Sarah?

See what happened on BBB21 this Monday 03/29:
