BBB 20: Prior calls for the end of virtual lynching once reality ends – 04/28/2020


After the end of BBB 20, which declared Thelma as the great champion, several brothers went to social networks to thank fans and show gratitude for participating in the main reality show in the country. One of them was Felipe Prior, who also called for an end to crimes on social networks.

“I love you all, very happy to have been part of this BBB 20 family. Thanks to all the production for the love and all the VIP treatment we had. Really, the best experience and learning of my life. I just ask that lynching virtual is over, everyone was in a competition, “he wrote on his Instagram.

One of the most controversial participants in this edition, Prior collected confusion inside the house due to his “player” style, thinking about each vote and nomination while in reality. In addition, after his departure, Brother received several counts of rape.

Who also thanked and made a request similar to Felipe Prior’s was Guilherme Napolitano, sixth eliminated from the twentieth edition of Big Brother Brasil.

“People just want to see the flaws and forget the qualities. The fans went to war like two football fans. Spreading hate on the internet, offending each other. I hope this is reflected for many and that love prevails and peace in the future, “said the model.

ALL READY FOR THE GRAND FINAL! ? I try to think about everything that happened in my life and the expletive that comes to mind is GRATITUDE! I just have to thank @redeglobo for the opportunity to participate in this historic edition, @jbboninho, @tiagoleifert, all the direction, production, all the participants and without a doubt all the fans that I have conquered and the viewers that have followed all the moments! That experience changed my life and it was the best of all! Everything that happens inside is very intense, it’s really crazy! However, all I’m trying to take from now on is just the good times, the fun and the laughter, and that’s what we should always remember! The BBB is a game, which was marked by the mix of television and the internet. All of the participants had our families as involved as we were! However, I see many bad things that happen mainly in the repercussions of everything that happens. People just want to see the flaws and forget the qualities. Fans went into wars as if they were two football fans. Spreading hate on the internet, offending each other. I hope that this will serve as a reflection for many and that love and peace will prevail from now on, since this is what we must offer in such a difficult situation as we find ourselves today! All the participants were right and we were wrong, but we are human beings above all! I made mistakes in some moments of the program, but I acknowledge and apologize to everyone, but I reflect and please see the qualities of all of us! Anyway, I can only thank everyone who joined us here and say that it was an honor to be one of the 9 chosen among millions of subscribers and to be part of this historic edition that will be marked forever. ?? # EuFizParteBBB20 # FinalBBB20EmCasa

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