Basque Election Schedule: From Countless Offices and Meetings to Next Steps; understand | Basque


The morning of elections in Vasco this Saturday took many people by surprise for about 24 hours. The election scheduled last Friday was just one more chapter in Vasco’s messy politics. OR give Redo the steps from the middle of this year until today to try to understand how we got here and what the next steps will be in the electoral process.

The discussion of the statutory reform, which began last year, gives rise to the Electoral Deliberative Board, formed in June to define which members could or could not vote on the amendment to the Basque Statute.

After endless meetings marked by discussions, absences from President Alexandre Campello and countless letters, the reform was ratified at the Extraordinary General Meeting on August 30, in an online session, this, however, is sub judice. The same Deliberative Board held many other sessions to deal with voting conditions in the Basque elections, technically known as the Ordinary General Assembly. That is, the one that took place on Saturday but did not finish.

Candidates for the presidency of Vasco – Photo: Arte ge

+ Election in Basque: in the counting of the votes after the Justice suspends the elections, Leven Siano takes the lead

+ Behind the scenes of Vasco’s election: the sea of ​​Leven in the morning and the uncertainty about the union between Brant and Salgado marks an endless fight

See the steps below:

June 5: the president of the General Assembly meets to review the list of members eligible to vote for Vasco

The president of the General Assembly of Vasco, Faues Cherene Jassus, Mussa, summoned the other four presidents of power to deliberate on membership on the 10th of the same month. He, Alexandre Campello (Administrative Director), Roberto Monteiro (Deliberative Council), Edmilson Valentim (Fiscal Council) and Silvio Godói (Council of Beneméritos).

One fact, however, was prolonged, the appreciation. Alexandre Campello did not deliver the list of members in the first sessions scheduled for June. Between absences and postponements requested by commitments in the federations, Campello came to be threatened with suspension or even exclusion from Vasco’s membership.

Meanwhile, Roberto Monteiro, discontent with Campello, and Edmilson Valentim obtained a decision from the Justice that determined that the president of Vasco would have to deliver the list.

Finally, the list was delivered at the end of June and, after several discussions and legal struggles, it was defined on July 29 that 8,807 members could vote to support or not the statutory reform. But that would change in less than two weeks …

August 10 – The Justice annuls the decisions of the Deliberative Board on the list of Vasco’s partners

Almost three months ago, the Rio de Janeiro Justice annulled the decisions of the Deliberative Board on the list of members with the right to vote: the inclusion of those not re-registered and the exclusion of the amnesty (around 746). In the same decision, it was established that it is up to Faues Cherene Jassus, Mussa, president of the General Assembly, assisted by Alexandre Campello, president of the Board of Directors, to identify the members who can participate in the voting.

August 29 – Justice denies the appeal of the Basque President to cancel the Extraordinary General Meeting

The president of the Deliberative Council, Roberto Monteiro, was denied an appeal in which he requested the cancellation of the Extraordinary General Meeting. The choice of the company that carried out the election in a virtual environment, Eleja Online, also generated a lot of noise. For this reason, Alexandre Campello wanted the AGE to take place on September 10 and not on August 30, as Mussa defined it.

It was decided by decision that Vasco’s partners would vote online to approve or not the direct election for president. Only this issue would be evaluated, after all, the statute reform was removed from the agenda by another court decision.

August 31: the Assembly approves the direct elections with 1,362 votes of the members; the result is sub judice

The Extraordinary General Assembly approved direct elections for president in Basque. After a week of comings and goings with judicial decisions, the result of the online vote showed 1,362 votes in favor (98%), 22 against and six blank. The effects of this result, however, are sub judice. On Saturday, Judge André Emilio Ribeiro, on duty in the Judiciary, granted an amparo to two members of the club who question rites in the process led by the president of the General Assembly, Faues Cherene Jassus, Mussa. Therefore, it suspended the effects of the AGE until it was analyzed by the competent rapporteur of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

September 5: the president of the General Assembly announces the Basque presidential elections for November 7

A week after the online Extraordinary General Assembly and new Deliberative Board sessions, Faues Cherene Jassus, Mussa, announced that the elections would be held on November 7. At this point, the number of voting members had already changed (reduced to 7,981).

October 29 – Justice restores the right to vote for amnesties in Vasco, and the result of the election may be sub judice.

After almost two months of relative political calm, there was a new legal intervention in the Basque elections at the end of October. This time, it was determined that the election should guarantee the voting rights of the amnesties in the election. By judicial determination, the winners would vote “separately” while the merits would continue to be discussed in court. In other words, the result could be sub judice, which already happened in 2017, when urn 7 was canceled.

The separate vote was held last Saturday at “ballot box 8”. As soon as members realized where the amnesties would cast their votes, a series of comparisons and ironies surfaced on the Internet, and “ballot box 8” was treated as “new ballot box 7.”

Mark ballot box 8 for the 2020 Vasco elections, in São Januário – Photo: ge

November 3: Justice accepts Mussa’s request and marks Vasco’s online election on the 14th.

The Rio de Janeiro Justice had agreed to Faues Mussa’s request and had scheduled Vasco’s election for November 14. According to the decision, the vote would take place online. It is worth remembering that Mussa defended the celebration of a claim exclusively through the Internet. The candidates Leven Siano and Sérgio Frias were in favor of the face-to-face elections, while Alexandre Campello and Jorge Salgado preferred the hybrid format, with the possibility of voting at home or at the club. Julio Brant was in favor of online voting.

The preliminary decision was made public shortly after a meeting between the candidates in São Januário. At the meeting, the candidates for the position closed an agreement to postpone the election, which was initially scheduled for November 7 and, following the favorable decision for Mussa, rescheduled for November 14.

+ After a meeting between candidates, Vasco’s election remains indefinite; Mussa will decide format this Friday

November 6: the judge annuls Mussa’s court order and establishes face-to-face elections in Vasco for this Saturday.

Until we finally reached the last Friday. In a decision published in the evening, judge Camilo Ribeiro Ruliére annulled the precautionary measure that determined the online elections for the next day 14. This measure also rescheduled the elections for Saturday and established that they would be held exclusively in person, in São Januário . In a note sent to the press at 11:08 p.m., Vasco confirmed the election.

November 7 – Vasco’s election has fights in the morning, it is suspended by the courts, but the vote still ends

+ Election in Basque: huge line, confusion and aggressions mark the first hours of the election
+ Election in Basque: suspension of the election by the Justice causes confusion and fights in São Januário

This Saturday, the huge queues in São Januário made voters wait hours to be able to vote in person at Vasco’s headquarters. The fighting and turmoil inside and out set the tone for this weekend’s election. At 8:25 p.m., the vote was interrupted at the request of the President of the General Assembly, Faues Mussa, to the Superior Court of Justice. Initially suspended, the members who remained in São Januário voted after the Mesa decided to continue anyway, but they cast their votes in a separate ballot box.

November 8 (dawn) – Leven is the most voted, but not yet taken

Despite the decision suspending elections early Saturday night, Vasco’s polling station continued to vote. Just before 2 am this Sunday, after searching and not finding a place to leave the sealed ballot boxes, the table decided to open them and count the votes. Candidate Leven Siano was the most voted (1,155 votes) in the count that ended at 4:20 am.

By decision of the president of the STJ, the vote count has no electoral effect on the club at the moment.

Next steps: Mussa arranges for online voting on the 14th, Leven tries to validate victory

+ Election in Basque: in the vote count after Justice suspends the elections, Leven Siano takes the lead

Victorious at the polls on Saturday, despite the numbers being invalid, Leven Siano is now trying to validate his victory and overturn the STJ’s decision suspending voting. In addition, he calls for the exclusion of Mussa, president of the General Assembly, from Vasco’s membership.

– Without a doubt, we are going to revoke the precautionary measure, we are prepared to face any challenge in the Judicial Power, this is my day to day. About Mussa, I think he needs to be expelled from the club. His performance is not exempt, it is not impartial. (…) The result shows interesting data. The dissatisfaction of the partner with the administration of President Campello, who had a poor vote. Another who is already historical for insisting, trying and losing: Julio Brant. The partner got tired of this character, ”Leven said.

Mussa, in turn, faithfully follows what was decided in court last afternoon and guarantees that he is already mobilizing to hold elections. online only next Saturday.

– This Presidency of the General Assembly will look for the candidates to dialogue and try to achieve some consensus around the AGM (Ordinary General Meeting) of 11/14/2020, whose preparatory acts, according to the judicial decision now restored, already have begun.

+ Election in Basque: Mussa says he will look for candidates to try “some consensus” in the online elections of 14

The next few days or weeks promise a new avalanche of actions and twists. Will we have a new Basque president this month? Follow the next steps here on ge.
