Bar closed for functioning as a nightclub in BH – Gerais


PBH has already banned 79 establishments during the new coronavirus pandemic (photo: Divulgao / BH City Council)

Another bar was closed on Saturday (5) in Belo Horizonte for disrespect the rules provided for in the municipal decree that made the operation of these spaces more flexible. In addition to the case of Rua Alberto Cintra, the inspectors also prevented the operation of an establishment located on Avenida Guarapari, in Bairro Santa Amlia, in Pampulha.

According to the city, Pub It operated like a nightclub, with mechanical sound operation. Such entertainment is allowed, but as there was a crowd the inspectors banned the place.

According to figures from the PBH, since April of this year, 79 establishments have been banned for non-compliance with the regulations against the proliferation of new coronavrus.

Since the flexibility that allowed the operation of bars and restaurants with the sale of alcoholic beverages, which began this Friday (4), only two establishments suffered the healthy.

Sem lcool

Also on Saturday, the inspectors banned a pub on Rua Alberto Cintra, in BH (photo: Tlio Santos / EM / DA Press)

The other case of an intermediary in BH this weekend occurred on Rua Alberto Cintra, in Bairro Unio, Northeast Region of the city. In the surveillance of the city, the Growleria Chopp no ​​Litro, which works on the bomia road, was closed.

“Since yesterday we have been making the guidelines. Today we come to do the second inspection. Most establishments are complying. But, unfortunately, we have a case that did not fit and today it is closing because it was breaking all the rules,” said Ayrton Alves. Junior, Inspection Manager at PBH.

“It did not meet the availability of lcool at the tables, I was selling at the counter, the area reserved for customers had no physical limits on the tables. There wasn’t even an alcohol dispenser in the bathrooms, “Ayrton added.

Also on Saturday, the inspectors banned a pub on Rua Alberto Cintra, in BH (photo: Tlio Santos / EM / DA Press)

Also according to the inspection manager, the bar can only be reopened after signing a commitment audit. “It has to become regional (administrative) to sign a deadline committing to comply with the measures. And when it reopens, we will inspect again,” he said.

There was no person in charge of the establishment on the premises. The report of State of Minas I spoke with an employee who was at the time of the internship. He reported that those responsible would not speak about it.

If the bar reopens with irregularities, the owner can be fined around R $ 15,000 and the alvar operation can be revoked.
