Bahia has a total restriction of non-essential activities as of Friday | Brazil


Bahía will have a total restriction of non-essential activities from 8 pm on Friday (26), until 5 am on Monday (1), to contain the progress of Covid-19. The measure was announced on Thursday (25) by Governor Rui Costa and Mayor Bruno Reis.

According to the governor, bars and restaurants will not be open in person at any time after the restriction period, and the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during this period, even in supermarkets.

Despite this, food delivery is allowed until midnight and companies must provide their own transportation for these workers. On Friday, the day the restrictions begin, street shops will close at 5 pm, bars and restaurants at 6 pm and shopping centers and malls at 8 pm.

Public transport will be able to function normally. The governor did not give details of the intercity transportation. Group physical activities were also suspended during this period and individual activities such as running and walking can be performed.

This Thursday, Salvador has an occupancy rate of 84% of beds in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for adults. In general, the percentage of general bed occupancy (ICU, clinic, adult and pediatric) is 83%.

In the metropolitan area, the situation is similar. Also on Wednesday (24), before the restriction decree for Bahia, the Guanambi prefecture, in the southwest of Bahia, had already announced a closure, which will start from Monday (1) and will last for 10 days.

In the metropolitan area, the Madre de Deus prefecture also announced a closure. There, the city recorded a 385.1% increase in active Covid-19 cases.

On Tuesday (23), Governor Rui Costa had already indicated that, if the curfew did not help curb the numbers of the pandemic, a closure would be necessary.

See more state news at G1 Bay.

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