Bagé and Pelotas have a black flag on the preliminary Covid-19 risk map


For the first time, Rio Grande do Sul has two black flag regions in Controlled Distance. Bagé and Pelotas were classified as having a very high epidemiological risk of contagion of the new coronavirus in the preliminary map of the 32nd round, presented this Friday afternoon. Of the other 19 areas, only Cruz Alta received the orange flag (medium risk) and 18 are red flag (high risk).

The regions with red flags are: Porto Alegre, Guaíba, Cachoeira do Sul, Canoas, Capão da Canoa, Caxias do Sul, Erechim, Ijuí, Lajeado, Novo Hamburgo, Palmeira das Missões, Passo Fundo, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Santo Ângelo, Taquara and Uruguaiana

This Friday, Rio Grande do Sul registered 61 more deaths related to the coronavirus, raising the total number of fatalities to 7,513. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the State Department of Health has registered 369,142 cases.

Bagé and Pellet indicators

According to Controlled Distance data, Pelotas has the most expressive number of deaths this week, with 41, almost double if compared to last week (23 deaths). Bagé registered ten more deaths in the last seven days, the same indicator of the previous round. However, there were five times more registrations compared to the previous week, when there were two deaths.

Regarding hospitalizations, the Pelotas region showed an increase in the number of confirmed patients since round 26, when it had 22 registrations, and now has 87. As well as Bagé, which since week 28, has shown an increase in hospitalizations when he was only five. and today, 23, reported the government.

According to the data, the South macro-region also registered an increase in terms of occupancy of ICU beds, both for Covid-19 cases (from 38 to 50) and for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), from 54 to 74. With that, there was a 50% reduction in the offer of free beds for intensive care in the region, which now has 15 units.

It is not blocking

According to the Controlled Distancing classification, the black flag is the maximum restriction provided by the management model and means that both the hospital capacity and the contagion of the coronavirus have reached critical levels in both regions. The state government pointed out that classification is not the same as blocking.

According to the black flag regulation, non-essential commerce is closed and face-to-face classes are suspended, as well as access to spaces focused on art, culture, leisure and sports. The number of employees in different sectors is limited. Services such as equipment maintenance, grooming salons and pet stores are prohibited. Areas such as health and safety are not affected by the black flag protocols.

Increase of indicators

According to government data, the state has seen an increase in almost all the monitored indicators. In the past seven days, there was a 14% increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations (from 1,174 to 1,338 cases), reaching the highest number since the start of follow-up. Deaths grew 15% this week, reaching 409 records.

As a result, there are 407 free beds in Rio Grande do Sul, the lowest number since then, as well as the lowest proportion of free beds for each occupied person (0.44), which went from 0.5 also for the first time.

Rule 0-0

According to the preliminary map of the 32nd round, 456 municipalities (out of a total of 497) are classified as red flags. Of these, 162 can adopt orange flag protocols, because they meet the criteria of Rule 0-0, that is, they have no record of death or hospitalization of residents in the last 14 days, as long as the city creates a local regulation.

The 0-0 rule is only valid for municipalities in red flag regions, so they can adopt orange flag protocols. In other words, the rule does not apply to municipalities in regions with a black and orange flag. Of the 28 cities classified as very high contagion by the coronavirus, eight had no deaths or hospitalizations in this evaluation period.

Municipalities and regional associations can submit, until 6 am on Sunday, requests for reconsideration, which will be analyzed so that the final flags are launched on Monday. The new phase of Controlled Distance officially goes into effect on Tuesday.

The complete survey of round 32 of controlled distance is available nthis link.
