Bad weather and pilot error caused a plane crash with Gabriel Diniz, says FAB – Nacional


(photo: Reveals
(photo: Disclosure)

Terms meteorological adverse effects, attitude of the pilot and lack of flight discipline led to the accident of the aircraft carrying singer Gabriel Diniz, 28, in May 2019. The statements are found in the report of the Investigate and Prevention of Aviation Accidents (Cenipa), of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), released on Thursday 29. The report investigates the causes that led to the accident with the Piper Cherokee PT-KLO, model PA-28-180, which took place on May 27, 2019.

The document points out six factors for the crash of the plane. In addition to the attitude of the pilot and the adverse weather conditions, the following were listed: flight indiscipline, judgment piloting, flight planning and decision making. According to the agency, “in adverse weather conditions, there was detachment of aircraft components in flight, followed by aircraft“.

The aircraft crashed in the town of Porto do Mato, in the municipality of Estncia, in Sergipe. Gabriel Diniz, singer of the song “Jenifer”, went from Salvador to Macei to find his girlfriend, Karoline Calheiros, and the family.

In the accident, in addition to Gabriel, Linaldo Xavier and Abrao Farias, both drivers, died. At the time of the accident, only the first was exercise the function, according to Cenipa.

The report indicates that the pilot did not adequately evaluate the parameters for the operation of the aircraft with the decision to continue the flight in unfavorable weather conditions. With 83h50m of flight experience, the pilot Linaldo Xavier was only qualified to perform the en-route flight in strictly visual conditions. The single-engine land-based aircraft (MNTE) valid.

“Failure to consider the procedures provided to remain in visual flight conditions contributed to exposing the aircraft to a high risk of accident,” says an excerpt from decided.

Another factor mentioned by Cenipa is the indiscipline of the flight. “When entering the area with atmospheric instability and meteorological formations, the pilot did not comply with the ICA Air Rules 100-12 / 2016, which established the visibility and minimum distance of clouds in Meteorological Conditions of Visual Flight (VMC) “.

Thus, the report concluded that there were inadequate in the preparation work carried out by the pilot for this type of operation.

“The decision to maintain the flight to Macei, in conditions incompatible with visual flight, demonstrated weaknesses in the evaluation of the situation, whose probable impacts on the safety of the flight were not adequately considered,” said the rgo.
