Average amount of PASSA emergency aid of R $ 901


In August, the average amount paid for emergency assistance was R $ 901 per household. The amount is greater than the R $ 600 paid by quota because in the same house two workers can receive the help. In addition, there is still the possibility of paying R $ 1,200 per installment, in the case of mothers who are heads of household.

The data was released by the National Survey of Households by Sample (Pnad) Covid-19, carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The survey also found that, in August, emergency aid reached 30.1 million households in Brazil. The number represents 43.9%.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the average emergency aid paid for each residence has increased over the months, as the benefit has been delivered to more workers over time.

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In May, the average payment was R $ 851. In June, the average was R $ 887. In July, R $ 898, reaching R $ 901 last month.

IBGE also concluded that, in August, the highest average amount of aid paid was in the North. In this region, the average payment was R $ 963 per household, reaching 61% of households. In the Northeast region, the average payment was R $ 958 per household. The aid reached 59.1% of households in the Northeast.

In the Southeast, the average payment amount was R $ 858, covering 37.1% of households; in the Midwest, R $ 855, benefiting 41.8% of households; and in the South, an average of R $ 840, reaching 30.7% of households.
