Athletico broadcasts game with Grêmio on his own pay-per-view


Even after the fall of the MP Principal, which became invalid on October 16, Athletico Paranaense decided to continue showing matches through its own pay-per-view service. Today (25), the club fulfilled its promise to broadcast the game against Grêmio, valid for the Brazilian Championship, which at first would be “blind” due to the lack of agreement between the Curitiba club and Globo.

Grêmio has an open TV, pay TV and pay-per-view contract with Grupo Globo, which in principle should make broadcasting illegal. The game is shown on a new platform called Furacão Live, an evolution of the old Furacão Play.

The Paraná club announced the initiative around 3 in the afternoon on social networks, about three hours before the start of the game. Atlético began selling packages to the public and promised to show the confrontation with live images, even without an agreement with Grêmio; Under the law, a game can only be broadcast with the agreement of both teams.

To UOL Esporte, Beto Carvalho, Grêmio’s marketing executive, told sports that the tricolor gaucho was not informed of the transmission and that he took the entire team of the club’s radio station believing that the game would be “blind.”

Since October 16, MP 984, which gave the local club the right to broadcast a football match, is no longer valid. Atlético has a favorable court order for the broadcast on pay-per-view, obtained when the MP was still in force.

For Atlético members and fans located in the state of Paraná, the package was sold for R $ 24.90. It was also possible to subscribe to the service from other parts of the country for R $ 34.90. In addition to live matches, Hurricane Live also promises pre- and post-game coverage.

Officially wanted, Globo did not respond to contacts from the sports. Shortly before the game, Atlético’s Communication confirmed that he would play the game against Grêmio with images, as in fact happened.

The dispute between Atlético and Globo has been going on since August

The dispute between Athletico Paranaense and Globo has been going on since August. Initially, an association of clubs linked to the Huracán filed a lawsuit requesting a court order authorizing the exhibition of games in the Huracán PPV. The justice granted the precautionary measure, and the club transmitted the victory over Goiás, for the second round of Brasileirão.

Globo filed an appeal shortly thereafter and was able to quickly reverse the court decision. Between late August and early September, Atlético tried to appeal twice, once before the Rio de Janeiro court, but was unsuccessful.

In the second instance, in the Paraná court, the club managed to win in their favor at the end of September and showed matches against Corinthians. Everything before the MP loses validity.

Speaking in the lawsuit, the broadcaster said Athletico was playing a “stage game” and threatened to terminate his contract with the club for broadcast television if Hurricane insisted on the decision to show the games on his own pay for event.

The Hurricane also included the Fútbol Libre movement, which brought together clubs from Series A, B and C of the Brazilian Championship asking the National Congress to approve MP 984, claiming that this would bring more competition for the dispute over broadcasting rights in Brazil. . The move had no practical effect on the approval of the text, but promised to continue fighting to change the way soccer is negotiated in Brazil.
