AstraZeneca tests drugs that can prevent Covid-19 symptoms


AstraZeneca is in the final stage of development of a vaccine considered a leader against Covid-19
AstraZeneca, which is already developing a vaccine against Covid, is also studying a drug to fight the virus. Credit: Adriana Toffetti / A7 Press / Folhapress

According to the publication, the drug, called AZD7442, involves a combination of long-acting antibodies and can prevent someone exposed to the coronavirus from developing Covid-19 disease and the symptoms caused by it.

Studies indicate that after a person consumes the drug within eight days of exposure to the virus, it would be possible to prevent the patient from having symptoms of Covid-19 infection for up to 12 months.

According to The Guardian, the drug, instead of antibodies produced by the body to fight infections, uses monoclonal antibodies (produced by a single clone) created in the laboratory. Through its performance, according to studies, it would be possible to provide a instant immunity against disease.

Therefore, the drug would be administered in the future as a form of emergency treatment to contain outbreaks of the disease, in places such as hospitals and nursing homes.

From the new drug, it would also be possible to contain the number of deaths and complications caused by the new coronavirus, while there are no vaccines to immunize the entire population against the disease.

The report revealed that the new drug has so far been tested at University College London, other hospitals and a network of 100 locations around the world.

In the English capital, according to the newspaper, the drug is applied to volunteers and test participants through drug cocktails. Trial participants receive two doses, one after the other.

According to AstraZeneca, the company has already conducted a test registry in the United States. If approved by drug regulatory agencies, after the studies have been reviewed, the drug can move into production until March or April 2021.

In addition to the drug, AstraZeneca is also developing a coronavirus vaccine, but in this case in partnership with the University of Oxford.

With information from The Guardian

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