Arthur tells Pocah that he thinks they will remove him from reality.


Immediately after the discord game, Pocah and Arthur chatted in the garden of “BBB 21” (TV Globo). The sister gave the “toxic” signal to the crossfit instructor during the dynamic and justified saying that she did not approve of some aggressive lines said by him. In the chat, he said that that was not the right word to define his colleague.

“You were drunk, upset about things that were happening. Brazil saw how nervous I was about the situation. I don’t think you’re toxic, I don’t think the word is that, it doesn’t define you, I wouldn’t use that. I would say that it was aggressive with the words at that moment, and he knows it was, he recognized it. I thought it was better to say that and nobody knows what happened, but Brazil does. ” Pocah said.

“That’s why I think I’m leaving tomorrow. I, Arthur, in the last few weeks, I stepped on the accelerator a bit and I think I’ll pay the price. I got it, I just think you were going to go to Sarah for everything that happened,” Arthur replied. , which is on the wall.

Pocah said she has nothing to say about Sarah and that it would be unfair to make something up about her sister. “What was I going to give him? Weak? I don’t think he’s weak. Hypocrite?”

The duo also talked about Tha’s speech during the dynamic and the funkeira assessed that the sister “appeared everywhere.”

“She does not accept receiving the lists, man. She takes everything very seriously,” criticized Arthur, who shortly after said that everything is fine between him and Pocah.

“It hurt my heart to have to tell you this, but am I going to fix it?”, Concluded the sister.

Who should be removed from ‘BBB 21’?


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta

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