Arthur (Fabio Assunção) will have his heart broken by Eliza (Marina Ruy Barbosa) in the final week of Totally Too Much. The agent decides to spy on his little redhead, but he will hear her plead before Jonatas (Felipe Simas) and will realize that the fate of the young woman in the six o’clock novel lies with her rival.
After the boy is stabbed by Dino (Paulo Rocha) and his liver is torn, the model will offer to donate to save the life of the former street vendor. With that, she will even conquer Rosângela (Malu Galli), who will have to give her arm to encourage and recognize the altruism of her future daughter-in-law.
The surgery will be long and the good guys will spend about 12 hours fighting for their lives. Then Eliza will wake up and start talking to her lover. “Everything will be fine. Now you have a little piece of me in you. I love you”, declares the character of Marina Ruy Barbosa.
Sedated, Jonatas won’t hear anything. But the conversation will be spied on by Arthur and Jojo (Giovanna Rispoli), who will have their ears glued to the bedroom door, without the patients noticing.
“You know, looking from here, it seemed like she said …”, the agent will begin, without a floor. “I love you. I could see it well,” her daughter will complete. “Thank you, Jojô. It was all I needed to know,” Fabio Assunção’s character will agree, heartbroken.
Originally aired between 2015 and 2016, Totally Too Much will have its last episode shown on Friday (9). Starting next Monday (12), the telenovela will be replaced by a repeat of Haja Coração (2016).
Globo opted to rewatch the stories as it had to stop recording Salve-se Quem Puder due to the coronavirus pandemic. THE News Daily brings the summary of the chapter of the booklet, in addition to spoilers of what will happen in the plot of the seven.
Subscribe to channel Newson YouTube and watch videos with revelations of what will happen in Totally Demais and other novels.
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