Arthur Henrique and Ottaci will compete in the 2nd round at Boa Vista | Roraima


Arthur Henrique (MDB) and Ottaci (Solidarity) will decide in the second round, on the 29th, who will be the next mayor of Boa Vista. With 100% of the polls cleared, Arthur obtained 49.64% and Ottaci (SD) 10.59%.

In real numbers, Arthur had 78,425 votes and Ottaci, 16,735, a difference of 61,690 votes between the two. The count was updated at 10:00 p.m. on the website of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE).

Arthur Henrique is 39 years old and is the current deputy mayor of the capital. Married, he has incomplete higher education. The candidate did not declare equity to the TSE. The vice on his ballot is Cássio Gomes, also from the MDB, 46 years old.

Ottaci Nascimento is a federal deputy, is 43 years old, single and has completed high school. It has a declared equity of R $ 49 thousand. The 57-year-old Lenir Rodrigues, from Solidariedade, competes with him as deputy state deputy.

The prediction of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is that the campaign will restart at 5 pm on Monday (16). Radio and television advertising should return on Friday (20).

In the three electoral polls conducted by Ibope in the capital, Arthur and Ottaci appeared as competitors in the 2nd round.

In the latest Ibope poll, on November 10, competitors were tied for 28% of voting intentions.

The situation, however, was different from the previous poll, published on October 29, where Ottaci was ahead with 27% and Arthur with 25%.

In the first poll, on October 16, Arthur appeared with 28% and Ottaci with 23%.
