Arthur criticizes Thaís after his sister calls him ‘weak’ in the game


Arthur was not happy to have received the plaque with the adjective “weak” from Thaís during the game of discord on “BBB 21” (TV Globo). The crossfit instructor ventilated Projota outside the house.

“If we stay, I’ll make him regret calling me weak. He didn’t even know why he called me weak. I realized it was nothing. Like many people who gave you the charts didn’t even know how to argue, man. […] He came in and said in the middle of his speech: ‘And now there is no more talk.’ I want to talk now. I want you to explain to me why you called me weak. I’ll give you a chance to show me what you meant, I’ll take it. Now if I see that she’s talking nonsense, talking shit, she’s screwed with me, “Arthur said.

Projota listened in silence to his colleague’s speech.

Moments earlier, Arthur also spoke about his relationship with Carla in reality and said that he had not spoken with his sister after the discord game.

“She is bad also ”, justified Projota.

“Everyone is there, she is talking to everyone except me. Sme I exchange ideas with her and I feel on her side what I’m hurting her here, I’m going to take the team off the field, that’s more what right. We enter the lives of others as a colleague, friend, boyfriend or girlfriend to add, for add to the other, “Arthur assessed.

Who should be removed from ‘BBB 21’?


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta

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