Arthur and Rodolffo are the monsters of the week


After winning the angel test this afternoon on “BBB 21” (TV Globo), Viih Tube presented the monster to Arthur and Rodolffo, who must spend the entire time dressed as fried egg while holding a salt shaker. During the punishment, the brothers must stay outside while the production plays a song.

Before announcing his choice, Viih said: “I know it is very difficult to be a monster and it is difficult to choose.” The sister justified that she chose Rodolffo because her brother was never a monster. About Arthur, he said that it was a long time ago that he served the punishment. The brother was the first to receive the monster’s punishment along with Bill.

Rodolffo had been chosen to be in the VIP of the new leader Gilberto, but he went to form after the monster.

“I knew I was going to xepa this week. But it’s good!” Said Rodolffo.

Who should the leader Gilberto point to the wall?


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta


Balloon / João Cotta

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