Army commander diagnosed with covid-19 – 02/12/2020


The Army Commander, General Edson Pujol, was diagnosed with Covid-19. The 65-year-old general tested positive last Saturday, November 28, when he entered the Armed Forces Hospital (HFA) to undergo an operation to recover the femur, fractured after a fall from the horse and subjected to tests of detection. the new coronavirus.

The Army Social Communication Center confirmed the information and said that the commander was “totally asymptomatic”, “following the early treatment protocol under the guidance of the HFA medical team.” He also reported that General Pujol “has maintained a routine of teleworking as Commander of the Army in his central office.”

According to the Communication Center, he clarified that, in relation to the fracture in the femur, the general “has done well”, he already walks with the help of a walker and performs physiotherapy three times a day, “which has given very good results “.

Due to the femur surgery, the Army High Command meeting that was scheduled for this week was postponed.

At least 14 of President Jair Bolsonaro’s 23 ministers have already contracted the new coronavirus. The last minister to detect the disease was Infrastructure, Tarcísio Gomes, 48, who was also asymptomatic.
