Are you enrolled in CadÚnico and Bolsa Família? The application offers unique benefits


The federal government initiated a series of actions that seek to promote the financial autonomy of the families registered in the Unique Registry (CadÚnico) and beneficiaries of Family scholarship. Called ProgressThe program aims to generate employment and income, by referring the most vulnerable citizen to the labor market.

In general, the plan includes measures that will contribute to strengthening the individual capacities of the participants, in order to generate their socioeconomic independence. Under the responsibility of the Secretariat for Social and Productive Inclusion of the Ministry of Citizenship, the project works in an integrated manner with three pillars:

  • Job intermediation;
  • Professional qualification; and
  • Entrepreneurship.

The initiative is decentralized and intersectoral, with associated companies from both the public and private sectors.

Profit progress

Through the Progredir application, people assisted by the federal government can register their professional curriculum and have access to various job opportunities. Through the platform, it is also possible to filter searches by places according to region and area of ​​interest.

Other advantages offered by the tool include free qualification courses for the labor market, which involve knowledge of personal finance, entrepreneurship, technology, etc., as well as credit lines for beneficiary families of Bolsa Família.

The microcredit is aimed at registrants who want to open their own business or even improve the housing and educational conditions of family members.

Who can participate?

Among the criteria used for the concessions, in addition to registration in the Unique Registry and Bolsa Família, the interested parties must pay attention to the income criteria that, in the case of microcredit, cannot exceed the amount of R $ 170 per monthly capita. In addition, all children in the family from 6 to 17 years old must be enrolled in schools.

Regarding the Bolsa Família loan, the interested party must have a formal job, verifiable own income and guarantee. To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, a program supervisor conducts a home visit to the applicant.

Download the Progress app

The platform is available for free in the Play Store, for Android devices, and Apple Store, for those with iOS installed. Through the government website it is also possible to register for the initiative.

Also read: Will the new approved grants of R $ 600 receive all the fees at the same time?
