APPROVED MP that facilitates sale of imóveis da União – Notícias Concursos


As regs on assessment of the minimum price of the imóvel and possibilidade of discount maior no case of leilão failed foram altered pela Provisional Measure 915/20.

To vote on Provisional Measure 915/20, which facilitates the sale of imoveis da União to or to change several procedures on the assessment of the minimum price and to allow a higher discount in the case of a failed leilão, this is concluded on this sixth-february (08) not Plenário da Câmara dos Deputies

She will be sent to the Senate in the forma do Conversation lei project deputado Rodrigo de Castro (PSDB-MG).

You deputados analisaram sete highlights hairs represented to or text approved last week. Foram approved three emendas.

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The MP allows the government to grant a 25% discount on the initial value of the property for sale at the second loan attempt. At present, or discount of 10%, some can be offered in the third attempt of leilão and only for imóveis of até R $ 5 milhões.

Outra facilidadde for or buyer é a permission of direct sale, through the intermediary of corretores de imóveis, case or leilão tenas has failed for two times. Or discount of 25% continues to count.

In electronic laws, the Secretary of Coordination and Governance of the Patrimony of Unity will be able to apply successive discounts at or a limit of 25%.
Or the rapporteur is the same discount to the direct sale of temples for their occupants.

Emenda of Senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO) approved Plenary hair allows the sale, sem licitação, of parts of rivers and lakes of Dominio da União to quem tiver aquiculture project approved perante to Secretary of Aquiculture and Fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock e Supply and other competent bodies.

Value two imóveis

To carry out an assessment, in addition to private companies hired by a tender, it will be able to participate, without waiver of a tender, to Caixa Econômica Federal e orgãos ou entities de administração publica direta ou indirect two três níveis de governo (federal, estadual e municipal) cuja atividade fim seja or urban development or imobiliário.

Nas prominent votes, or Plenary also approved the deputado Camilo Capiberibe (PSB-AP) to prohibit specialized companies whose partners are related to or third party servers of secretaries involved participate in the assessment of imóveis da União. As secretaries are from the Governança do Patrimônio e de Desestatização, Desinvestimento e Mercados, both from the Ministry of the Economy.

Assessment method dos imóveis

Either method to appraise or value of imóvel, seja for or payment of forums, laudêmios ou taxa de ooccupação ou for sale will follow statistic survey found on the basis of market research.

Instead of following or venal value provided by municipalities for urban properties and hair Instituto de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra) for imóveis rurais, the secretary will hardly use those values ​​as a subsidy to support her own stock plant.

In this sense, municipalities and the Federal District will not be penalized for a loss of 20% of taxa and payment forums in the União em seus territórios case não mandem as informações.

Visits are also present, and the award of assessment will be able to foresee values ​​for sale in the lower area of ​​the market. Generally, to sell more depressa and need to decrease or price.

Real estate fund

Between other changes, or approved text, anticipation or use of a real estate fund of administração de imóveis da União for the regularization of rural or urban fundiária.

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This fund was created in 2015 to manage or manage some of the sale resources of imóveis da União listed for that purpose on this occasion. Peels Lei 13.240 / 15Their prices can even be traded on stock exchanges.

The text of Castro foresees that you will be regularized sejam sold or given free of charge to six occupants ressarcimento to or founded two orders for approval of parliament projects and registration of two imóveis.
In the meantime, it allows the fund to sell immoveis da União not occupied within the regularization area to amortize the costs and to pay for infrastructure works to become public interest.

Correção gives plant of values

As long as the index of correção of the plant of values ​​of the secretary for the launching of debits of forum and tax, to MP limits to five times to variação do HICP the year before.

No text of the rapporteur, this same limit of correction should be applied to correct inconsistencies of two registered candidates.

For land bandages in the urban area of ​​até 250 square meters and in rural areas of até 1 tax module, to bandage it will be able to be some hair value gives plant.

In imóveis da União sob o regime of forum ou occupação, or projeto de lei de conversão allows the governo to desist from the fine applied to the occupant pela construction, work, near ou benfeitorias não authorized in case of leaving the se semindenização.

Simplified bandage

Either the Minister of the Economy will be able to define a limit of the value of real estate over the emphatic regime or which will be authorized to sell directly to the foreigner if he is regularly registered and adherent.

This direct bandage will cover the hair of the plant found by the Secretaria do Patrimônio.

No case of sale of imóveis resideis of the National Department of Works Against Dry (Dnocs) directly to six occupants, or report of Castro passa do Executive Power for that autarquia to definição das regras em that that bandage will be given.

Removal of life

A Provisional Measure 915/20 allows or contributes with active assets to União to withdraw or debit giving in immovable payment that it is located in the area with public calamidade re-enforced hair Federal executive in virtue of natural disaster or caused hair homem.

Or imóvel will be oily se or Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan) consider that it has historical, cultural, artistic, tourist or landscape value. The business activities of the seller and the owner of the property must be located in the shaved area of ​​the disaster.

If you are wondering if you are questioned, or if you are interested, you will be able to withdraw from the discussion and ask for your inclusion in the lively activity to carry out the transaction.

We disasters caused by homem hair, eventual indenizações devid ficarão com a União. It will not be difficult to sell real oils, please do not attend to any criteria of necessity, utility and suitability to serem, endorsed by the federal public administration.

Brasília National Forest

Emenda approved Plenário hair, of autoria das deputadas Celina Leão (PP-DF) and Flávia Arruda (PL-DF), withdraws area of ​​Floresta Nacional de Brasília (Flona) occupied before the same month of their conversão em conservation unit. The shaved area will be compensated by other gold plated to join Flona.

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