And now? The elimination in the Brazil Cup aggravates the financial crisis of Santos | Saints


The elimination of Ceará in the knockout stages of the Copa Brasil will give Santos more than just sports defeats. Without him award of R $ 3.3 million that he would receive if he advanced to the quarterfinals, Peixe sees his financial crisis worsen even more.

With less than R $ 5 million to receive by the end of the year, Santos had the anticipation of the Brazil Cup prize to pay the October salaries, which must be passed on to the players before November 9, the fifth business day of the month. . .

In an interview last Friday, President Orlando Rollo had warned about the need to advance in the Copa do Brasil not only for sporting reasons.

– Do not doubt that if Santos passes, and it happens, I will not even get off in Santos returning from Fortaleza. I go to all the games and I go straight to Rio de Janeiro to ask for the advance. We are desperate and I am not ashamed. We are trying to save Santos – said Orlando Rollo.

Orlando Rollo, president of Santos – Photo: Ivan Storti / Santos FC

Now, the president must find solutions to another financial problem. Recently, the club launched a virtual kitty that was successful with fans.

The “crowdfunding” reached, last Saturday, the goal of R $ 1 million raised to help Santos pay off the debt with Atlético Nacional, from Colombia, by hiring defender Felipe Aguilar, which already exceeds R $ 5 million. . Now, the goal is R $ 2 million, but the club does not intend to use the amounts to pay salaries.

Therefore, Santos will need new solutions to avoid late payments in October and the next few months.
