Analysis: Ceará suffers a goal at the end and draws with Fluminense in Maracanã – Play


In a championship as difficult as Serie A do Brasileiro, the chance to win cannot be wasted. If each point is precious, what will all three say about a win? Therefore, we must regret the tie at 2 to 2 in Ceará, yesterday, with Fluminense, although it was away from home, in Maracaná. After all, the grandfather played well, turned with authority, but did not mature again, conceding a goal in the 45th minute of the second half.

For this reason, the sensation is not one point added, but two points discarded. Even more so, not being the first time this happens. Against Goiás, at Arena Castelão, the team suffered a goal in extra time and embittered the tie, as well as in the final of the Ceará Championship, when they suffered a goal that declared defeat against Fortaleza in the first leg.

These are sins that Ceará accumulates and makes it difficult for a team that shows good football to walk, has good moments, but has succumbed at crucial moments. Yesterday, against the flu, was another of these.

The team led by Alexandre Faganello – Guto Ferreira was sanctioned and did not command the team – took a long time to go out onto the pitch, conceding an early goal, at 12 minutes. But, from then on, he dominated the game to the point of winning by more goals if, in turning, he had not wasted generous counterattacks.

After the goal suffered by the merits of Fluminense, in a great play, Ceará calmed down, put the ball on the ground, had more possession and played better, creating the best chances from there. Until, at 41 minutes, Vozão drew with a goal against Hudson, after Charles tried with his head.

And, by little, Ceará has not yet become the first part, in an attempt by Léo Chú, one of the best in the field of Vovô.

For the final stage, Ceará returned with full control of the game, creating three more spinning opportunities, two with Léo Chú and one with Vina. The dominance turned around at 32 minutes: Digão, a Fluminense defender, played badly and Vina, smart, took the ball, dribbled to goalkeeper Muriel and turned the game around: 2 to 1.

I can not stand

The return was fair and Ceará continued offensive, with the entries of Lima and Leandro Carvalho. The team played to make the 3rd, but wasting generous counterattacks, they were punished. In one of them, Danilo Barcelos submitted to the draw.

In the end, an unfair result, but one that links the alert signal by the points it has left on the way and keeping it in the center of the table. Without time to breathe, Vovô will have, on Wednesday (21), another difficult mission: to beat rival Fortaleza by two goals difference to be champion of Ceará.

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