Amapá will have an energy rotation of 6 hours, by region; see schedules | Amapá


The division was carried out by the Companhia de Eletricidade do Amapá (CEA) and the system works for at least 6 hours for each region, since, according to the CEA, only about 65% of the capacity of the electrical system has been restored.

The districts and regions surrounding hospitals and essential services in Macapá and Santana will have their supply maintained 24 hours a day. The return to supply was possible after the repair of one of the damaged transformers in the fire that reached the main substation of the state.

Check the schedule below:

Amapá – energy rotation schedule – Macapá 1 – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Amapá – energy rotation schedule – Macapá 2 – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Amapá – energy rotation schedule – Macapá 3 – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Amapá – rotation schedule – Macapá 4 and Santana 1 – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Amapá – rotation schedule – Santana 2 and Mazagão – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Amapá – rotation schedule – inland communities and cities – Photo: CEA / Disclosure

Marcos Pereira, CEO of CEA (with jacket) and João Paulo Monteiro, operational director of Caesa (with denim shirt) – Photo: Fabiana Figueiredo / G1

The CEO of CEA, Marcos Pereira, recommended turning off and unplugging electronic devices to guarantee safety in this energy recovery.

“It is better to remove these devices from the plug so that the return of that energy does not suffer any damage. The energy has an impulse when it returns, which can cause the devices to burn,” said Pereira.

The manager added that the rotation system must continue until the arrival of another transformer that, according to the Mines and Energy Ministry (MME), should begin to be dismantled on Sunday to be sent to Macapá within 15 days.

“We remember that, for system security, it is not the same to connect a switch. These are very complex issues. Security is necessary so as not to cause instability in the system, ”Pereira told Rádio CBN.

CEA said that the supply could improve according to the measures to support the electricity system during the week, such as the use of generators and increased production at the Coaracy Nunes Plant, as well as the rational use of residents.

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