“All vaccines produced in Brazil, or by Butantan, by Fiocruz or any industry” will be prioritized by SUS, says Pazuello | Politics


The Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, said on Wednesday (16) that all vaccines produced in Brazil will have priority in the Unified Health System (SUS).

“All the vaccines produced in Brazil, or by Butantan, Fiocruz or any industry, will have priority for SUS and this is pacified,” he said.

The federal government officially launched the national immunization plan on Wednesday (16). “The most important thing here today is not to present the plan. The most important thing is here today is that we show that all the states, we are together, all the states of the federation will be treated equally, proportionally, there will be no difference.”

The minister also asked “what is the anxiety for, this anguish?” when talking about vaccination against Covid-19.

“Let’s raise our heads. Believe me The Brazilian people have the capacity to have the largest single health system in the world, to have the largest national immunization program in the world, we are the largest vaccine manufacturers in Latin America. Why this anxiety, this anguish? We are a benchmark in Latin America and we are working, ”he said.

Since the start of the new coronavirus pandemic, more than 182,000 people have died from Covid-19. Pazuello expressed solidarity with the families of the victims of the pandemic and said that “the numbers are hard.”

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The minister affirmed that all Brazilians will receive the vaccine for free at the vaccination posts. “Registered vaccines, vaccines that are guaranteed to be safe and effective. We cannot play with the health of the Brazilian population,” he said.

According to Pazuello, the federal government will deliver the immunization material to the states, which will be in charge of logistics and distribution in their territories. Thus, the states must send the vaccines to the municipalities, which will apply the vaccines. The Ministry of Defense will assist in the work.

“The logistics are simple. Although our country is this big, we have the whole structure already planned and ready. The ‘Q’ of the question is in the schedule. This schedule depends on the registry. I have to talk about hypotheses. We have more than 200 million doses marketed, we have a forecast for the signing of PM [medida provisória] this week of 20 billion reais, ”he said.

Speaking at the plan’s launch ceremony at the Planalto Palace, Pazuello said there was a lot of misinformation about Brazil’s ability to carry out a national immunization program.

“Our press, which has really been fundamental in the dissemination. Brazil needs the press to disseminate real information and reach all Brazilians,” he said.

Pazuello also said that the credibility of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), responsible for the vaccination registry, cannot be “doubted.” The minister reiterated that the agency acts based on “technical and security criteria.”

“Be careful with people who talk about our Anvisa. Anvisa is our reference and is a world reference. And it is independent, it is a state agency, “he said.
