After leaving the News without prior notice to viewers, the “Manhattan connection” It has already set its new course. The attraction will now be displayed by TV Culture as of January 2021.
The cast, for now, should stay the same. Lucas Mendes, Caio Blinder, Diogo Mainardi, Pedro Andrade me Ricardo Amorim stay in the attraction.
In the public broadcaster, there is already a movement to think about the format and its technical requirements. The schedule must be kept for the end of Sunday.
To the place “The antagonist”, Mainardi stated that “the program will be financed entirely by private sponsors”.
The program aired for 27 years on Grupo Globo cable stations.
TV Cultura confirms the debut of the program in 2021 on its programming schedule: “With immense satisfaction, the management of TV Cultura confirms that the ‘Manhattan Connection’ program should be part of the station’s grid from 2021. The program, made up of Lucas Mendes, Caio Blinder, Diogo Mainardi, Ricardo Amorim and Pedro Andrade, is scheduled to debut in Culture in January. More details on exhibition days and times will be released soon. “