After authorization from the town hall, Grêmio announces his return for Monday


The club says it will follow all recommendations to avoid coronavirus contamination.

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With the decree of the Porto Alegre City Council that allows the return to training, Grêmio announced that he will resume his activities starting next Monday. The staff and members of the soccer department will return first and then the athletes will be introduced, which will be divided into groups and schedules.

The return is aimed at physical conditioning and must respect the safety rules to avoid contamination of the new coronavirus. According to the decree of Mayor Nelson Marchezan Júnior, physical contact and crowding are prohibited, in addition to the need to respect the minimum distance of 2 meters from one person to another.

“A strict medical protocol will be implemented from admission to CT President Luiz Carvalho, such as temperature measurement and testing for covid-19 and the use of PPE (personal protective equipment). All members of the department will be reevaluated daily,” he said. . Grêmio in a statement.

The club also affirms that it will follow all the guidelines of the authorities and that the CT will have controlled access and will be closed to both the press and the general public.

The Gaucho Championship was paralyzed after the third round of the second round, on March 15. Grêmio, runner-up in the first round, won all three games and leads Group B with nine points.

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