The payment of the second installment was scheduled to begin on the 27th. But, on the last Monday (20), Caixa Econômica Federal organized a press conference at the Planalto Palace to announce the anticipation for this Thursday (23).
However, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, as many people did not even receive the first installment, it would be necessary to open an additional credit to guarantee the anticipation of the second installment, in addition to the payment of the first installment.
“Due to legal and budgetary factors, due to the high number of applicants still under analysis, we cannot legally anticipate the second delivery of emergency aid,” the federal government reported.
In the note, the Ministry of Citizenship does not inform the date of payment of the second installment.
According to the folder, the Ministry of Economy was asked to make the “forecast for budget supplementation as soon as possible.”
According to Caixa, 31.3 million Brazilians have already received the first part of the aid, which totaled R $ 22 billion.
Brazilians sleep on the street to register and qualify for R $ 600 emergency aid
On Monday, when he announced the advance, the president of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, said that the measure would be possible because the ability to pay exceeds the number of data provided by the Technology and Information Company of Social Security (Dataprev), responsible for verifying information given by citizens.
In this Wednesday’s note, the Ministry of Citizenship said that Dataprev has processed 32 million records so far and that another 7 million are still being evaluated, which should only be completed on Friday (24).