After accusation of racism, Inep changes the question of Enem – 01/28/2021


The Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira) today changed the template of one of the questions in the printed version of the Enem (National High School Exam) 2020. The change comes after the candidates pointed out racism in the previous official response.

This is an English question, which is part of the language test administered on the first day of the exam. It has a passage from the book “Americanah”, by the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, which brings the dialogue between a hairdresser and a client, both are black. In the conversation, the client says that she does not want to straighten her hair because she likes it “like God made it”.

The question then asks what arguments support the woman’s position. According to the template released yesterday by Inep, the correct answer would be the letter D, which relates the character’s attitude to an “immature posture”.

Today, Inep changed the template to indicate that the correct answer is alternative C, which says that the woman’s behavior reveals “an attitude of resistance.”

TO TwitterInep reported that the change occurred after the identification of an “inconsistency” in the templates published yesterday.

“The municipality verified that a modification made to the workforce after the tests were returned to Inep was not saved in the database. Consequently, the technical area provided a review of the material and the institute has already made the corrected versions available on its website, “it said in a note.

Yesterday, when announcing the Enem templates, the Inep also announced that two exam questions were canceled: one on natural sciences and the other on mathematics.

Enem’s printed tests took place on January 17 and 24 and were marked by a record abstention: more than half of the candidates (55.3%) did not attend the exam. Despite this, there were a series of complaints of overcrowding and complaints from candidates who were prevented from taking the tests due to the overcrowding of some rooms.
