After a match, Bielsa says that Leeds’ loss to Liverpool was fair and … scolds the translator | english soccer


Marcelo Bielsa is a perfectionist. Retailer. The 65-year-old Argentine coach has been at Leeds United for two years. He does not give interviews in English. But there is always a translator available so your message can be conveyed accurately. Both for journalists and their players, in training sessions and games. Sometimes this mission is arduous.

After lose 4-3 to Liverpool In Leeds’ return to the English football elite after 16 years, Bielsa was tough on his translator. In an interview with “Sky Sports”, the coach, on two occasions, asked his assistant to be clearer in the translation.

“Speak louder, because you need to understand …” Bielsa told the translator.

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Watch the video below, at 2:36 and 3:50:

The coach had been asked what he considered positive about the defeat against Liverpool. When responding in English to the journalist, the translator got the scolding of the Argentine. Shortly afterwards, Bielsa returned to harass his assistant.

“Speak louder, you don’t see that it is a huge effort to understand …”, the coach reinforced.

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Marcelo Bielsa accuses the translator in an interview: “Speak louder!” – Photo: Playback / Leeds United

The poor translator, with a yellowish smile, reacted with the answer in a louder and calmer voice. Before, Bielsa had made it clear that the defeat of the current champions was fair.

– It was a fair defeat. A difficult opponent to neutralize. In the second half, it was difficult to pass the ball from defense to attack. We do not create danger. Despite our great efforts, it was not enough to have a balanced game, especially in the second half, he analyzed.

It is not the first curious episode of the experienced Argentine technician with his translators. He has been in Leeds since mid-2018. When he arrived, he even made an effort to give an interview in English. And he starred in this interview:

After Leeds United's debut, Marcelo Bielsa tries to speak English and gives a curious interview

After Leeds United’s debut, Marcelo Bielsa tries to speak English and gives a curious interview

Before even facing Liverpool, Marcelo “El Loco” Bielsa noticed the use of different words in the translation and did not let it pass. There was the following dialogue:

– Well, it’s a really special game. Full of nuances that distinguish it – answered Bielsa, about the match against Jürgen Klopp’s team.

“Full of different scenarios than last season,” said the English translator.

“That sets you apart …” observed Bielsa.

– Yes, different. ‘Different’ – replied the translator.

– Did you say “last season”? Bielsa asked, in English.

– I didn’t say anything about last season – demanded the Argentine.

– Yes, different shades …

– That makes it different. Well OK.

– Yes, different … – the translator finished.

Leeds United will return to the field on Wednesday against Hull City for the English League Cup. On Saturday 19 he receives Fulham for the second round of the English. It will be a busy week for Marcelo Bielsa and his translator.
