The life story of rural worker Laudelino Martins da Silveira, a resident of the Parnaso district, in Tupã (SP), has always enchanted his children, grandchildren and friends. At the age of 13, he was delayed in returning to the train during a trip with his family and was lost with his relatives for 70 years.
In the last month, Seu Laudelino discovered that the realization of the dream of meeting the family was closer than he expected. According to the caregiver for the elderly, Valdinéia Batista Guimarães, the relatives decided to share the story of their Lau on the internet and, with the help of a specialist, they found relatives in Campinas, Adamantina and Pacaembu.
According to the granddaughter of one of Laudelino’s brothers, Taís Silveira, the cut that Lau made on his child’s hand on a cane machine was one of the tests that helped his relatives to recognize themselves.
In addition to relatives from Campinas and Adamantina, Mr. Lau found a brother from Pacaembu – Photo: Personal archive
The meeting had the right to celebrate Lau’s 83rd birthday, along with the brothers he missed so much. At the party, uncles, nephews and cousins also had the opportunity to meet and Taís said it was an exciting event.
“It was very nice, especially for those who lived together, my grandfather, him, because they remember everything from childhood. They have a memory that my God ”, comments the great niece.
Laudelino’s family consists of eight brothers, but one of the sisters has already passed away. They were born in the southern region of Bahia and, in 1950, Seu Lau, his father and a brother decided to travel to São Paulo in search of better living conditions.
The idea, according to Taís, was to find a city where they could live and return to Bahia to pick up the rest of the family. However, at one of the stops on the trip, Laudelino made a decision that would change his future.
“I went out with my father and my brother to go to the state of São Paulo. When he arrived before Rio de Janeiro, I got off the train, got out and went for a walk. My brother managed to get back on the train back, but I couldn’t. I was just walking up and down for three days, ”Seu Lau recalls.
Laudelino, brothers and nephews in Tupã – Photo: Personal archive
According to the elderly caretaker, one of the station employees realized that Laudelino was lost and took him to a shelter in São Paulo, where he stayed for about five months and made a plan with one of his friends to leave the place.
Valdinéia told G1 that at the end of the year, the children of the shelter could get a pass to see relatives in other cities. According to her, Laudelino lied that he had a family in Tupã to travel with a friend who was going to the municipality.
“Except that when he went to travel, the Justice discovered that he had gone into hiding and when he got off at the Tupã station he already had a person waiting and left him admitted to the Tupã Juvenile Court from 13 to 17 years old,” he explains Valdinéia. .
It was here that Laudelino met the man who would become his father-in-law. At the age of 17 he was called to work on the farm of one of the hostel employees in the Parnassus district, where he still lives today. There he met his wife, the boss’s daughter, got married and had four children.
“They called me to work in the fields and I got a ‘salarinho’ to build my life. I married his daughter, I got a father and a mother that God gave me and we are still on the farm today, we just changed our name, ”says Seu Lau.
Regarding the opportunity to reunite with his family after 70 years, fearing he will never see her again, Laudelino said that he intends not to lose the bond with his brothers.
“I felt abandoned, I was very lucky that the boy came by and helped me [na estação]. Seventy years without seeing each other and we were so close. It was so nice, on my birthday I met my brothers from Campinas and we are already having another party ”, says Seu Lau.
* Under the supervision of Mariana Bonora.
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