Adnet makes invaluable imitation of the horror show that was the debate between Crivella and Paes in Rio


This Saturday (28), the actor and comedian Marcelo Adnet published on his social networks a video in which he imitates the last debate between Marcelo Crivella (Republicans) and Eduardo Paes (DEM) before the second round, promoted by TV Globo.

The debate was marked by an exchange of crimes and threats due to the expectation of prison.

On the one hand, Crivella sought to associate Paes, who held the same position between 2009 and 2016, with former governors Sérgio Cabral and Luiz Fernando Pezão, both detained by Operation Lava Jato. On the other hand, the former mayor attacked the opponent remembering Crivella’s allies attacked by Operation Hades, which investigates the so-called “bribery headquarters” in the city hall.

Check out the knockoff below:
