
Those accused of committing the crime that shocked all of Espírito Santo entered the Capixaba prison system at 3 in the afternoon. After giving testimony, Manoel Batista dos Santos Júnior, 32, was transferred to the São Mateus Provisional Detention Center at 3 pm on Tuesday (13). Manoel confessed to the police that he tied a dog to the bumper of the car and dragged it through the streets of Jaguaré, in the north of the state. The animal died.
The accused was fined in flagrante delicto for mistreatment of animals. For this crime, the penalty is two to five years in prison and there is no bail.
In the testimony, he reported that on Monday night (12) he left the house where he was and saw the dog in front of the vehicle that he usually uses, owned by the mother of the accused. He reaffirmed to the police that the animal was apparently sick “as if it were dying or hungry.”
Faced with this situation, the man said in testimony that it would be better to euthanize the dog. He took a clothesline rope from the vehicle to tie the animal to the rear bumper of the car. According to the suspect, he dragged the dog about 100 meters. Shortly after, he untied the dog, setting it off to the side of the sidewalk. After the crime, he returned to his friends’ house.
To the police, the defendant also told that he is not a drug user and that he takes controlled medications for the treatment of bipolar disorder.
The Associação Amigos de Pelo, a group of volunteers that works to protect abandoned animals in Jaguaré, was the one who registered the incident with the police. The president of the entity, Suely Izabel Dalvi, pointed out that the dog lived on the streets of the municipality and was known by some people who passed through the Center. “He was known, but he had no name. There are several dogs in the same situation, “she said excitedly.
He pointed out that the situation is generating revolt in the city and that the association will continue to monitor the case.
On September 29, President Jair Bolsonaro signed Law 1,095 / 2019, which increases the punishment for those who commit acts of abuse, mistreatment, injure or mutilate animals. The legislation covers wild, domestic or domesticated, indigenous or exotic animals, including cats and dogs, which end up being the most common domestic animals and the main victims of this type of crime.
The new law creates a specific term for these animals. Now, as the text defines, the practice of mistreatment and mistreatment of animals will be punished with a prison sentence of two to five years, in addition to a fine and a ban on custody. Currently, the crime of animal abuse is contained in article 32 of the Environmental Crimes Law 9.605 / 98 and the expected penalty of three months to one year in prison, in addition to a fine.
The enacted law also provides for the punishment of commercial and rural establishments that facilitate the crime against animals.