
a shelving involving three trucks, a car are two bus ended up with at least 20 victims on BR-381, at km 635, in Oliveira, Midwest of Minas. The collision occurred around 6 in the morning, in the direction of São Paulo, and one person was in very serious condition. None died.
According to Arteris, the concessionaire responsible for the road, a truck fell and, shortly after, there was a shelving two other trucks, a car and two buses. In total, 102 people hit and most were unharmed.
Firefighters work on the site adjacent to the company. The six plus graves they have already been taken care of and the corporation’s helicopter also provides assistance. The others refused service.
the scratches Firefighters have also eliminated fires, explosions, or skidding. The incident is over.
* Intern under the supervision of the sub-editor Frederico Teixeira