Accident between van and truck leaves 12 dead in BR-365, near Patos de Minas


Twelve people died in the early hours of Sunday (20), in an accident involving a van and a truck on the BR-365, near the Curva dos Moreiras, between the cities Patos de Minas and Varjão de Minas, in Alto Paranaíba. Among the dead is a boy of about 10 years.

“The truck with the Sponsor’s license plate was coming from BR-040 and the car was going in the opposite direction. On BR-365, at the time of the accident, it was on fire on the side of the road and a tree, which was also in flames fell on the road and blocked the lane of the truck. When the driver saw the tree, he swerved, going against the wheel, “explained Daniel Mota, chief of the Tenth Federal Highway Police (PRF) in Patos de Minas.

Still, according to him, because of the smoke on the track, the truck driver did not see the truck and there was a frontal collision. According to the Corpod military and fire department, eleven occupants of the truck, including two women and a child of approximately 10 years, and the truck driver were killed instantly. Still, according to the military, the victims were expelled from the vehicles.


A passenger in the van was rescued in serious condition by the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) and transferred to the Regional Hospital of Patos de Minas. He had an open fracture in his left knee, abdominal trauma, and head trauma.

“We still do not know if it was an excursion, someone in some type of treatment. The car had the license plate of the city of Itabaiana, in Sergipe. We still cannot get everyone’s data, some people were undocumented,” Mota explained.

To prevent further accidents, firefighters cut down a tree and cleared the runway as the load was spread out on the road and there was an oil spill.

It was necessary to close the lane to remove the vehicles, but according to the Federal Highway Police. It was released during the morning.

Another accident

Also according to the PRF, due to the congestion formed, another accident occurred a few meters from the first. A truck driver did not realize that traffic was stopped and struck the rear of another truck. No one was hurt.

Article updated at 11:55 am
