A velho virus attached to medicine of Rio


An epidemic exposed to ruin is given by public medicine in Rio. As a result of these governments we open hospitals in Campania and six hierarchies of interviews, with nearly 1,500 Vazites. More than a thousand of them are in federal and university hospitals. They are empty because the institutions are sucateadas (e sucatearam-se) in terms of equipment and human resources.

The government of the municipality offers a thousand vacancies for doctors with salaries of R $ 4,411 to R $ 11 thousand for days of 12 to 30 hours a week. Many resumes will appear, plus you will be interested in chegam num pinga-pinga rhythm.

O Hospital Universitário da UFRJ, no Fundão, tem 200 leitos, ganhou 60 outros e, destes, 50 estão vazios. The foi was built by trying to be or melhor do Brasil. Or Hospital dos Servidores do Estado (federal), which is either 130 or vazios.

This misfortune happens for reasons you understand and also for irrational reasons. It or municipality offers a thousand temporary lazy people and they are not pre-infested, the doctors have their motives, it is because they want to win or that they are just, it is because they do not pretend fazer biscates. You irrational reasons appear when you see or case two federal university hospitals. During the government of Dilma Rousseff, she was raised at the Brazilian Company of Hospital Services, Ebserh, and hires celetistas, nothing to see with biscates. UFRJ refused to adhere to its standards. There were a lot of arguments, more or less, that strengthened the militias due to the obligation of bater ponto. Num debate dessa questão houve tapas e cusparadas.

A private network, or physician, is hired by a salary based on a time load. In public, it is a regime of exclusive dedication (with directive to keep its own clinic in the name of a parent) and a free fair on which there are celetists, legal entities, outsourced and outsourced two outsourced. Nessa shuffles of hourly charges and due, has institutes that work, more avacalhou-se to structure.

This disorganization was promoted not by the “manager” of Sérgio Cabral and by his secretary of Saúde, Sérgio Côrtes. Both foram stops Cadeia, and Cabral continues.

Crise parrots

There are two types of parrots: o pirate, which appears behind quem quer que seja, and o de crise. This is special, he lives not walking on top and he sings or that the ministers of the economy want to ouvir. Guilherme Benchimol, gives XP Investimentos, brilha nessa espécie, more exagerou.

When a two-dead curve turned to a mark of two thousand and every day, it stopped or remembered 600 deaths, or dissected or followed:

“I would say that Brazil is bem. Our curves are not even exponential, we see people getting flat. (…) O pico da doença já passou quando people analisa a classe média, classe média alta. Or I defy that or Brazil is a country with a lot of community, a little favela, or that ends up making everything difficult or process ”.

In fact, an official of XP was contaminated with viral hair in February, during a trip to Italy, but a favela “hindering or prosecuting” was something that never happened.

Benchimol fala bem de si teaching that “all fundo do poço tem uma mola”. I discovered, but I do not understand, that I did not found any favelas.

Compadre Moro

No sepoimento à Polícia Federal or doutor Sergio Moro returned to deal with the ursada that fez com a deputed ultrabolsonarista Carla Zambelli.

Not on the day of your decision to disclose a message chain with the senhora na qual ela escreveu: “Please, oil minister or (Alexandre) Ramagem e va se emtembro para o Supremo Tribunal. Eu I promise to help Fazer Bolsonaro promise. “

Moro replied: “I am not selling it.”

Valentia de WhatsApp é coisa manjada. Zambelli is not at all condemned. I asked him to oil a thing he didn’t want to do. E daí? Commit to azeitar sua nomeação para o Supremo. Nothing abnormal, above all trying to be a parliamentarian, but Zambelli was more than isso.

Twelve months before, Moro e sua mulher had been six godparents of marriage as Colonel of PM Cearense Aginaldo de Oliveira, chamado by colleagues of “Caveira”. Doutor Moro gave “La Vie En Rose” with comadre Zambelli and speech, chamando-a “guerreira”.

I do not depound to Federal Police, Sergio Moro said that “he regrets very much that he has passed on messages exchanged in private, rather than how to oil the statements of the president.” Há uma certa singes nessa phrase. No one knew what Bolsonaro said, that was a problem with the captain, a comadre did not need to be involved.

Supreme events

It is up to Bolsonaro to address the Supreme Federal Court and to hold a meeting of the Court offices to discuss one of its decisions, or President Dias Toffoli can revolutionize the history of the House, claiming offices for other events.

Or Salão Nobre, with your moveis savory, would be good for flirting. Or Salão Branco would be used for candles and two Busts would accommodate festivities of birthdays of children.

Curio, another myth

Bolsonaro received or “Major Curió” not Palácio do Planalto and, once again, 85 years ago, Sebastião Rodrigues de Moura was identified as one of the two principal military officers involved who did not fight guerrilla in Araguaia. That qualification is false.

It is hardly or more exhibited, with strong moments of mythomania.

We were tempted from outside the page, Curió could be sowed at the angle of his myth and the abstruse involvement of the military in politics.

As far as our other officials are concerned, Araguaia will not return to the house, it maintains its influence in the region. Primeiro, distributing terras. Depois, twisting itself from the Serra Pelada, to the largest mine in Ouro, to the world of the world. Nessa condição, leader of the garimpeiros na maior popular revolt já ocorrida na Amazônia. Curió elegeu-se deputado federal e, hair PMDB, tornou-se prefeito uma cidade batizada of Curionópolis.

In 1975, when there was no more guerrilla in Araguaia, he was imprisoned in Sul do Pará, a subject who did not know how to come from here to where. He questioned, he confessed to himself and trouxe-o to Rio de Janeiro.

Or General Leônidas Pires Gonçalves, chief of the Superior State of the Army, asked that his assistant be sought or a prisoner not Galeão. I do not walk, or subject I continue that the family or leader for or Rio when I needed hospitalization. Ao chegar ao DOI, or an official ordered photography and determined that a check-in should be made at hospícios da cidade.

Hours depois, uma patrulha voltou:

– Positive, capitão, ele é freguês do Pinel.

(O doido, guerrilheiro confesso, he had been imprisoned for six weeks with simulated fuzilamento.)
