A 101-year-old woman is cured and released from the hospital in Rio after eight days hospitalized with Covid-19


RIO – Rio had another reason to keep alive hope for better days in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic on Wednesday: 101-year-old Nair Torres Santos was released. After eight days hospitalized at the Hospital Norte D’Or, in Cascadura, North of Rio, she was discharged and can go home with her family. Nair was born in 1918, just the year the Spanish flu hit the world, and he can be considered a living witness to the events that spanned decades.

Victory against disease:Serious Covid-19 patient is cured and discharged from the ICU of the Moacyr do Carmo Hospital

Upon leaving the hospital, with a plush heart on her lap, the old woman was accompanied by her daughter, who thanked God and the entire medical team for their care. The health professionals who accompanied the game applauded Nair and congratulated her on the fight against the disease, calling her a “warrior” and winner, and wishing health for the cure.

The centennial woman is discharged after staying eight days in the hospital with Covid-19. The elderly Nair Torres Santos, born in 1918, spent six days in the ICU of the Hospital Norte D'or.
The centennial woman is discharged after staying eight days in the hospital with Covid-19. The elderly Nair Torres Santos, born in 1918, spent six days in the ICU of the Hospital Norte D’or.

– I thank God and all those present, from start to finish. Everyone has always treated us very well. And you won this one more, ”said Nair’s daughter, quite touched and holding the old woman’s hand.

Missing teams:Despite the collapse of health, the municipality of Rio has 1,840 closed public beds.

Nair registered on the 21st, was admitted to the ICU until the 26th. The gradual improvement led her to her room on the 27th, until she was discharged on Wednesday afternoon. The director of the Hospital Norte D’or, Ricardo Calado, points out that his case further motivates the entire medical team to continue dedicating themselves to fighting the new coronavirus.

– It is more than a century of memories that she carries with her. And seeing her return home, knowing that she will share more moments with her family, brings us indescribable joy, says the director.
