How many people in the same family can receive the benefit?


After the announcement of the payment of R $ 600.00 regarding emergency assistance to informal, intermittent, unemployed and individual microentrepreneurs (MEI)The doubts about the granting of the benefit have been recurring.

One is about the number of people in the same family who can receive the resource at the same time. In this case, the answer is simple: only two people from the same family can receive assistance.

If more than two people are working informally, the federal government has determined an order of preference for receiving the amount. Check it:

  • Women;
  • Older people;
  • Individuals with the lowest individual income;
  • In the event of a tie, the criteria adopted when choosing the beneficiary will use the alphabetical order of the first name as a tiebreaker.

The head of the family receives two installments

Women responsible for the home and without a spouse, with children up to 18 years old, are entitled to two installments of emergency aid, for a total of R $ 1,200.00 per installment.

If there is another member in the family in the informal, unemployed, MEI category, who is not a husband or partner of the single mother, he may also receive the benefit.

If everyone agrees with the rules to receive the aid, the family value can be up to R $ 1,800.00, of which R $ 1,200.00 is owned by the mother and R $ 600.00 by another member, between siblings. , nephews, uncles, etc.

Who can get emergency help?

Aimed at informal, self-employed, unemployed and MEI workers, emergency assistance requires other rules and conditions for its granting. Between them:

  • Not having a formal job, that is, with a formal contract;
  • Being over 18 years;
  • Not receive unemployment insurance, benefits paid by the INSS or federal transfer, with the exception of Bolsa Família;
  • Have an income of up to R $ 522.00 (half minimum wage) per capita or a monthly family income of up to R $ 3,135.00 (three minimum wages);
  • Not having received taxable income above R $ 28,559.70 in 2018.

Taking into account that those registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), including those assisted by Bolsa Família, and who meet the established criteria, will receive the amounts automatically, without having to request it from government platforms.

Anyone who is not registered must register to receive assistance through the Caixa website or application. During the process, it is necessary to inform the data of the owner and other members of the family group, such as the full name, date of birth and CPF.

Read also: Emergency aid: the government backs off and will not anticipate the payment of the second installment
