‘My idols cheer me up’


During the interview with Fernanda Keulla on BBB Network at dawn today, Babu did not believe when he saw that Gabriel Barbosa, Gabigol, honored him. The actor, an outspoken flamenguist, cried when he found out about his idol fans, and thanked everyone who tried to guarantee his victory at BBB 20.

Keulla showed his brother the tribute that Gabigol paid in the match between Flamengo and Botafogo, when the striker did the “Babu dance”. “Oh nation, I can’t wait,” said Babu happily.

Then, the actor did not hold back his tears and praised: “I have always been a fervent flamenco player, seeing the striker of our team campaigning for me, seeing my idols cheering me on, it is priceless.”

On Twitter, Gabigol replied to Babu: “Come soon, my great friend! I am waiting for you.”
