21% of nova-iorquinos testam positive for antibodies


A study of the state of New York was carried out to identify the most precise number of people infected with de novo coronavirus – e, em tese, já têm anticorpos – showed that at least 13.9% were two tested tinham sinais do vírus.

Only from New York, even more than two United States at this time, 21.2% were tested positive for a marker that indicated that they had been infected at some point.

NY Second Governor Andrew Cuomo estimates that about 2.7 million people have been infected with novo coronavirus – a number of times greater than that reported by the state.

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Antibody tests also help to identify people who are infected, but show few cases or symptoms of Covid-19.

By official numbers, as we reported more, or NY state recorded 438 deaths from Covid-19 nas last 24 hours (hair left second day in a row).
