Nadine Gonçalves, mother of Neymar, and model Tiago Ramos tiveram or primeiro contato em fevereiro, during or anniversário do craque do PSG, em Paris. Or raptor, who sonhava conhecer or jogador, got a treat for a party through Mauro Leitão, or cozinheiro de Ney. He was delighted by Nadine and went to pack her. More or less than you do, you are the confusion that has occurred as a model at the party. At a certain moment of the day, were you invited to leave the premises, and guessed what part of your defense? Ela mesma: to “Neymãe”.
Mãe de Neymar ‘dá um tempo’ em namoro com Tiago Ramos após pressão da família
Nadine reprimanded atitude two safeguards and invited Tiago to return to Salo. No next day, or a Pegou model or a phone number from the email message on WhatsApp thanking Gentiliza. “Foi aí que tudo começou. I wanted to go to the party to make Neymar, who is so great, and he loved it more,” said a source linked to Tiago, guaranteeing that the model does not have anything like Mauro.
Quem seems to sow bem dessa noite é Nego do Borel, que esteve na festa. Num comment deixado na photo posted by Nadine assumindo or namoro, or funkeiro escreveu: “Damn! I was raising him, aunt. For that reason the people were saying that day …”.
Nadine pede um tempo no namoro
O namoro recém-assumido da mãe de Neymar as a 23-year-old model Tiago Ramos, faces her primeira crise. Pressed by the family, Nadine Gonçalves, 52, decided to give a time not romance and command or raptor go to her native land, in Monteiro, not inland of Paraíba, not last Sunday. The family of the playmaker is not the only one who has given an exposition of love and wants “Neymãe” to end or romance. Nadine and everyone from the souberam family peel the press that is a bissexual model and also that they have a relationship with three gay men.
Tiago made quite a beating and tied chorou as an afstament. He confided to close friends that Neymar’s true love story and fez with much praise for the beauty of him. Therefore, or casal is waiting for poeira baixar to decide or rumo da relação. It was also aimed at not giving interviews. Or model according to the company da mãe, to merendeira Ana Maria, and da irmã, to model Thalia Ramos no Recife.
Or publicly assumiu house or namoro not on April 11, in the mansão da família de Neymar, in Santos, not in the São Paulo coast, where Tiago was staying the last few days, passing Quarentena with namorada. The model I tied was wearing an alliance of compromisso na mão direita.